Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai – signal level and modulation query

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    I’ve just purchased one of the above, and am enjoying getting to grips with all of the (many!) options.

    A couple of things that have stumped me at the moment, which I’m hoping are just things I’m missing are:

    a) getting a totally unmodulated delay. Even with the Decay fully counter-clockwise the signal still seems to have a mild reverb/chorus effect compared to the clean signal. Is that working as designed, do I need a hearing test, or is there an interaction with the Filter setting that may be causing this?

    b) slight signal/volume drop between active and bypassed states. When engaged the pedal does seem to sap a small amount of signal/have a lower overall output than when bypassed. Obviously if it’s used throughout a song that’s not a problem, but it’s a bit of a niggle when you want to kick it in and out for different segments. Is this normal for this pedal, or is it potentially down to my setup (details below)?

    [strong]Rig notes[/strong]
    The EHX Hazarai is in an effects loop from a Laney Lionheart L5T (mostly – either way it’s in a loop).

    Pre-input is: Boss TU-2 tuner, Boss FV-50H volume, TC Electronics MojoMojo overdrive

    In the loop: Boss V-Wah, Boss CE-5 Chorus, EHX Hazarai, Boss DD-6

    All pedals only cabled for mono output, regardless of whether the pedal is stereo capable or not.

    Any hints and tips greatly appreciated.


    check out theodor’s comments below. i really think he got it.
    My SMMH is in a parallel loop using Boss LS-2 and i hav to use Rin and Lout when connected in parallel with a Line6 Echo Park so that i don’t have the out of phase dry signal sound when both pedals are off.

    I’m sure it would compete with the strymons and eventides if there were just minor changes actually…forget adding tons of modes- essentially its great but a few more improvements on how it does things would be great.

    Volume drop is due to the phasing of the ouputs i’m pretty sure. There are certain configurations of how you plug in outputs that work(but mean the effect is unusable/lost functions)…or actually hooking up to stereo of course….its just how the two ‘phased’ outputs are summed into mono they cancel on both dry and effect-at about 45 degrees each or something because phase switching doesn’t help much. Stereo is fine, one channel only is fine, running through both channels in series is fine with suitable changes like buffers or preamps inbetween.

    I think there are multiple modes so there are presets, the only reason for adding modes is say if they give 3 presets for each mode, then not need 1 sec, 3 sec versions so include somethng else maybe just slightly different like rate knob, oscillation whatever…

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