Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Mel9 Voicing

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    Does anyone know how the “effect” output is voiced? I’m wondering if you would get a purer mellotron sound out of it if you ran that effected output straight to the PA or a super clean amplifier and just passed from the dry output into other effects. Or is the effect output really just voiced for guitar amps and would it sound worse through a PA?
    Thanks! I am so ready to order this thing. Mellotron is the only keyboard sound I ever wanted on anything.


    It sounds great both through an amp or direct into a PA.
    Some people like the mellotron through a guitar amp others wand their amp distorted for guitar and use a second amp or PA for a clean setting in which the MEL9 sounds best.

    Does anyone know how the “effect” output is voiced? I’m wondering if you would get a purer mellotron sound out of it if you ran that effected output straight to the PA or a super clean amplifier and just passed from the dry output into other effects. Or is the effect output really just voiced for guitar amps and would it sound worse through a PA?
    Thanks! I am so ready to order this thing. Mellotron is the only keyboard sound I ever wanted on anything.
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