Home Forums The Lounge B9 Organ Machine description!

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  • #84273

    I thought that the description for the B9 was the funniest and dead on text I have ever seen from a manufacturer. It basically says what many people do believe. That there are so called musicians who cant play a note to save their lives and no effects pedal can make them a better player Effects pedals are wonderful if you indeed do have talent and they are used to “compliment” your sound and style!

    Here is part of the text in point!
    6. Garbage in Garbage out.
    The B9 tracks great and will follow what ever you play, but it is not a talent booster.
    Sloppy guitar playing will sound like a sloppy organ player.
    The B9 will bend notes just a regular guitar does.
    Organs do not bend, so for a more authentic organ sound limit bending.

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