Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Two Nano Pedals Suddenly Not Working With Battery Power

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    I have a Nano Big Muff Pi and a Nano Looper 360 that suddenly won’t work with battery power, but does work with wall wart. I had these two along with a Soul Food and a Pitchfork in a chain powered by a 1Spot. There was nothing unusual, but after I took everything apart and tried to use the Nano Big Muff it wouldn’t work with just battery power. It does with wall wart. I am now using the EHX one as that worried me about using the 1Spot.
    Anyway, I checked the other three petals and the looper was the same as the Muff. The Soul Food and the Pitchfork do not have this problem. Of course I tried new batteries, several of them, and that isn’t the problem. I see no wires disconnected or anything else like that, but I am no electronic technician. It is interesting that both pedals would do this. Has anyone else encountered this, or know what the problem may be? Thanks for all and any help.


    Sorry for your problems. best to write service at ehx.com

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