Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear Satisfaction Fuzz Pedal

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  • #84108
    Kevy Metal

    …while I wait for my Hot Tubes pedal to arrive, I figured I may as well give a quick review of the Satisfaction Fuzz.

    Having obsessed over this one for a few months now, I’ve spent a lot of time reading as many reviews and checking out demos to see if this was worth adding to my collection. People either love it or hate it and I can see why on both sides since this is one unruly little beast. It’s harsh and nasty and brittle, but damned if it doesn’t hit that sweet spot in my brain. There’s been a particular fuzzed-out tone that I’ve been searching for and the Satisfaction is the closest I’ve come to hearing it.

    If you take the time to play around with it, you’ll probably get to the same happy place that I did. I’ve checked out the JHS mods for this pedal (which are pretty damn cool), but if I had the spare cash, I’d invest it in the Octavix, which sounds like the next step in achieving fuzz nirvana.

    Kevy Metal


    After a few nights of playing and tweaking, it’s been interesting to see how my guitars respond to the Satisfaction pedal. My 1960s reuse Strat begs for mercy when I dime the knobs on the pedal, which produces loads of perfect nasty fuzz.

    When I switched to my Lite Ash Telecaster, the Seymour Duncan Alnico II Pro bridge pickup is very much the same as the Strat, but when I bump it to the neck pickup, the bitey top end of the fuzz is reduced and warmed up considerably. Great for singing leads or fat Electric Wizard riffing.

    Damn, I love this pedal.

    Muff Diver

    Congrats on the score! I still have that pedal on my list. Maybe somebody will feel sorry for me and put one in my Christmas stocking this year.


    I heard the Satisfaction is a Jordan Bosstone clone without his diode clipping section.
    I love the treble boosting side effect of my Bosstone clone, but his special
    distortion not so much.
    I think the Satisfaction is easyer to dial with and hope to buy a unit some day.

    Kevy Metal
    Congrats on the score! I still have that pedal on my list. Maybe somebody will feel sorry for me and put one in my Christmas stocking this year.

    Thanks! I was noodling with it yesterday, running through my Little Big Muff and Mooer Grey Faze to dazzling effect. Getting this pedal as a gift any time of the year would be a highlight.

    Kevy Metal


    It’s been awhile now and this pedal seriously keeps getting better. Maybe it’s just my ears, but the Satisfaction constantly impresses me every time I play around with it. With the Attack knob at roughly 3 or 4 o’clock, turning the Volume knob slowly to slightly past Noon brings out the most amazing nasty fuzz tone. Highly addictive.

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