Home Forums Help/Technical Questions headphone volume knob issue with 45000 looper

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    I’m having a problem with my 45000 Looper pedal. The headphone volume knob appears to have no affect on the headphone or monitor output. The volume appears to be stuck at a level that is about line level – I can hear everything (dry, loop, click) but have no control of the level via the headphone knob. Moving it left or right does nothing.

    I had the same problem when I first got the pedal, but it magically went away after using it for some time. I hadn’t used the pedal in a month or so, and the problem reappeared after using it again. Is there some undocumented way to set the level on the headphone/monitor out?

    The click volume works fine, as do all the other knobs and sliders. It is just the headphone knob that appears to be broken.


    The same problem is happening with my 45000, the headphone pan knob has no effect, so the headphones always get sound and at a level louder than I usually want. It never did this before a month ago, and I have had my 45000 for about two years now. How can this be fixed? and/or what would be causing this? I have unplugged the unit and let it sit for days to see if it would magically reset or something and that has not worked. Just tonight, I was using it and for a second I was able to turn the headphones all the way down, and then back up, and then suddenly it went back to always being really loud all the time. I think I may have heard a bit of a click around the time it stopped working again. Not sure what that would mean. It was not a click I felt on the knob itself. Just seem to recall some kind of click sound happening, not sure if it was audible just over the phones’ speakers? or if it was audible just ambiently without wearing the phones indicating some circuit having trouble. Hmmm. Hey EHX staff, can you post on this to tell us if something could have blown out somehow? Or what might be causing this? and if its a common problem? Please respond. Thanks guys


    There is another post about the same issue.


    My 45000 is still under warranty, so I’m probably going to send it in for repairs. Sucks to have to pay to and from postage for what looks to be a defective item, but it is what it is. The 45000 is such a cool pedal, and not cheap.


    Yeah I hear you on all levels. Please make sure to post back afterwards to tell us if it resolved your issue, and what they say the problem is and any details further into explaining that, so that the rest of us like me can figure out what the deal is too, and whether its worth it to fix it. Thanks and good luck!

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