Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EHX B9 using two amps

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    I grabbed a Hartke A35 bass amp to occasionally use as the Organ output amp.

    I’d run Guitar–>Compressor–>B9–>Hartke and push the Dry signal out through the rest of my pedal chain to my Carvin.

    Seems easy, but the Organ out seems to be a mix of the Dry and the Organ.

    I feel like I’m hooking it up correctly, but is there an optimal “blend” to get “guitar” out of my Carvin and “organ” out of my Hartke?

    I grabbed a Hartke A35 bass amp to occasionally use as the Organ output amp.

    I’d run Guitar–>Compressor–>B9–>Hartke and push the Dry signal out through the rest of my pedal chain to my Carvin.

    Seems easy, but the Organ out seems to be a mix of the Dry and the Organ.

    I feel like I’m hooking it up correctly, but is there an optimal “blend” to get “guitar” out of my Carvin and “organ” out of my Hartke?

    Greetings from München,

    I am trying to do the same thing but it really doesn’t seem to be a way to get “true” Organ output and a “Dry” Guitar from the other output,

    if someone could help us understand the concept of the two outputs, I would be very very gratefull.


    Hi from Spain. I use a B9, the organ signal goes to a PA and the dry signal to a distortion pedal and guitar amplifier. Even while the organ sound is not activated and the Dry signal knob turned to the minimum, I can hear the clean guitar sound through the PA at the same time than the distorted guitar on the amplifier. There’s always a background guitar sound I don’t want to listen. Anybody at EHX has any answer?


    Hi. I have the same problem this setup is no good to me. Did you find a solution

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