Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics 2880 Rhythmic Hum Problem

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    I’ve been using the 2880 for years and recently there has been a humming sound that comes and goes at different times. It is always synced to the tempo the looper is running, so the hum will go up and down with the pitch shift fader.

    Sometimes it’s magically not there, but when it is, it’s very annoying. Could it be the CF card? I have used the same one for multiple years.

    Any insight would be helpful.


    Same problem here – seems to come & go dependent on power source e.g. works fine at home, problem arises in rehearsal space. Unfortunately that goes for gig venues too so basically I can’t trust it to work in live situation. Bought unit in UK, now living in Spain – I guess that shouldn’t be relevant but maybe there are variations in power supplies that can affect sensitive units (someone might be able to clarify that Y/N). Running it with the official EHX adaptors (both UK and EU plugs, doesn’t seem to toggle the issue).


    Hey there,
    I ordered this new power supply and it seems to have fixed things for me.
    Used it for 4 hours continuously with nu hum.


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