Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Is 400mA too much current for a Deluxe Memory Man with Tap Tempo?

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    Will I hurt the DMM by using a 9V @ 400mA power supply?

    I’m trying to figure out the right power supply to provide what I need for a variety of pedals that includes some old Boss pedals (CE-5, TU-2), some other simple 9V/100mA type pedals, a Strymon Flint (which requires 9V 250mA) and my beloved DMM with tap tempo, which I believe wants to see 9V @ 200mA.

    I’ve been using a pedal Power 2 with one of their current doubler cables for my DMM and it’s been working great. But since I just picked up the Strymon Flint, it really wants to see 250mA so even with the voltage doubler cable, that’s not enough power in the PP2. So I’ve been thinking about moving to a Pedal Power 4×4 which has a couple of 9V @400mA outputs.

    I just don’t want to do anything to hurt these pedals.

    The EH Man

    That’s fine. The DMM will only pull as much current as it needs.


    … all put simple …

    There is not “too much” mA, yes the memory man takes the current needed.


    Voltage, V, Volts… like 9, 12 or 24 volts… ya know???? TOO MUCH VOLTS CAN FRY YOUR Memory Man.

    Just saying in case you did’nt knew it! Be sure you know what you are doing when you mess with voltages… like the doubler cable… think twice before you turn all “ON” so your precious pedals stay alive :-D


    Just because — trying to figure out the right power supply — sounds like a dangerous situation to me :-D

    Take care of your Memory man, man :-D

    The EH Man

    The DMM has a voltage regulator so a slightly higher voltage won’t make any difference.

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