Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Holy Stain Fuzz Sound

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  • #82961

    Hey Everyone!

    I have a number of EH pedals but the only pedal of theirs I have that does Fuzz is the Holy Stain. I love the fuzz sound I’m able to get out of it, but wanted to see which other EH pedal I could get that focuses specifically on Fuzz/OD that would allow me to reproduce the sound I can get from the Holy Stain’s Fuzz set to Dark, but also give me more control over it.

    Mix: Off
    Amount: Off
    Volume: 3/4
    Tone: Maxed
    Color: Dark
    Dirt: Fuzz

    Dan plays on this setting in this video between 0:46-0:57 . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXvTEGAv-bA

    I play a Strat through a Classic 50 tube.

    I’ve listened to various videos online of the Big Muff Pi, Germanium OD, Double Muff, etc, but can’t seem to figure out which one would allow me to get this sound as not a lot of people go for that in demo videos. (Unfortunately so far the only fuzz pedals I’ve found that sound close is the Fuzz Factory, but I want to stick with EH.)

    Dan plays on this setting in this video between 0:46-0:57 . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXvTEGAv-bA

    Thanks in advance!


    The best recommendation I’ve gotten was a Germanium 4 Big Muff Pi from EHX support. Haven’t been able to try one out yet. Anybody here have one?

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