Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Hog2 presets without foot controller?

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    Hello EHX forums.

    I am wanting to purchase the new Hog2 and utilize the 100 presets it offers.
    However, I already have an extensive MIDI controlled rig and have no need for the optional foot controller to send program changes.
    My question is can I utilize all 100 presets without the optional foot controller? I read the manual and it didn’t clarify.
    Thanks for any help!


    I believe so. Read the manual of the HOG 2 & read the manual of your midi controller.


    Yes, in fact you have access to 120 presets with MIDI. Just bear in mind, you will have no way of seeing which preset you are using without the foot pedal, as there is no display for it. I use MIDI extensively to control my gear, and will be making a lot of use of the presets, but I got the foot pedal anyway. The display matches the preset you select by MIDI PC command. I’ve yet to try presets over 99 though. I’ll be using a variable in the LGM2 and display it every time I change presets.

    I’ve suggested to EHX about providing a real time parameter editor and preset manager for PC & Mac. Real time adjustment of parameters using on screen controls, then saving it simultaneously to the appropriate preset on HOG2 AND to preset file with a descriptive comment. Plus a decent preset manager that: detects all the changed presets and sends all the parameters and saves every changed preset to the HOG2. The program would have to be absolute master and the HOG2 slave as there’s no MIDI send on HOG2. Be great if the program comes with the HOG2 factory presets too.


    Very cool, thanks for the info.

    After reading the manual again I think I grasp how to store presets without the foot controller.
    It seems I would have to configure my MIDI foot controller to send out a CC message and the value is the preset number it will save into. This seems inconvenient since I’ll have to program a footswitch to send this specific CC value and then reprogram it back to its original function each time.
    An easier process I envision would be: I set up a patch on MIDI controller and have it send a PC to the HOG with a blank preset number. Then I use the save function on the HOG and it saves into that number preset. I scroll to another preset in the MIDI controller with a different PC to the HOG and it will let me save into another preset. That sounds easier than reconfiguring my pedal each time I need to save a preset into the HOG. Does that make sense and do you have any idea if my assumption is right? I agree, a computer based software editor would make life a lot easier, and would go well with other editors that I use regularly from EH competitors.

    Thanks for the input guys! I like to know a device before I decide to buy it.


    The manual seems to spell out the PC & CC commands quite clearly. I really like how you can either simulate the buttons on the face plate & foot controller AS WELL AS arbitrary values to preset number, expression pedal mode, etc. How you go about using them is of course your call.

    For myself I use the Gordius Little Giant Module 2 (LGM2) I use variables which are set or adjusted when I press various programmed pedals I’ve set up. For instance quick press decrement or increment, long press -10 or +10, then a series of pedals that set it to 0, 30, 60, 90 120, then use the others to hunt around in there. Obviously when I have very specific needs, the correct PC number will just be arbitrarily set, along with the other gear I’m using.

    So for the most part I don’t have to reprogram anything, I just need to adjust the variable to what I want and how I can do that is varied and very versatile. The Gordius Little Giant MIDI controllers aren’t cheap, but they’re well worth it if you have complex MIDI effect units with a lot of parameters.

    I’ll be depending on the HOG2 to store the actual presets, at least until functional software comes out. But using LGM2 I will experiment with parameters in real time using expression pedals which can be reassigned to different parameters with the push of a button and use the LGM2 display to find out what the final value for each parameter is so I can actually record them, then save it to any HOG2 preset of my choice, and note that down too, building up a library as I go.



    JRGreer and others,

    I’m also interested in using the HOG 2 with midi but no foot controller.

    In my current set-up I use Program Change (PC) messages to change presets on multiple pedals simultaneously.

    As I understand it loading presets on HOG 2 is not a problem. I do though need clarification on how to use MIDI to save presets. In particular:

    Did you establish if you can use a PC message to save a preset as you described above? i.e. use a PC message to go to a blank preset – and then save the current HOG 2 settings by holding the encoder button on the HOG 2? Or is sending a unique CC message the only way to use MIDI to save a preset?

    As you say, the PC method would be A LOT more convenient than having to program my MIDI sender to send a specific CC message every time I wanted to save a preset.


    Hey there
    It might be possible to use your midi controller and PC 121 to simulate holding down EXP button for 2 seconds: toggle on, wait two seconds, toggle off. I haven’t tried this yet. If it does work it will save whatever setup you currently have into the last used preset.



    Thanks for the reply. I also wrote to EHX and they were excellent and clarified that PCs could indeed be used to save presets as I described.

    To save a preset at the preset 21 position using PC MIDI messages I do the following:

    1. Send an appropriate PC Midi message to the HOG 2 (e.g. PC 21)

    2. Hold down the Spectral Gate button for a couple of seconds on the HOG 2 to unload the preset and enter WYSIWYG mode

    3. Save the preset in the current preset location by holding EXP. MODE button for 2 seconds.

    This is a perfect work-around for me as I can not send the necessary CC midi messages with my current rig.

    Apparently the only thing I can’t do with this is to edit a preset and save it to a new location. So if I like preset 21 after I load it but want to make a few minor changes and change it to preset 22, when I load preset 22 using MIDI PC, I will lose the changes I had made to preset 21.

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