Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 8 Step Sequencer Question

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    I know the pedal is brand new, and maybe no one knows the answer to this yet, but I am looking at the 8 step sequencer expression pedal to use in unison with my Line 6 M5 pedal. I currently have a mission expression pedal that I use with it, and I know that I had to seek out a pedal specifically designed to be compatible with line 6 devices. No stores in town have one for me to experiment with yet, so if anyone knows the answer, I’d appreciate it.


    I know the pedal is brand new, and maybe no one knows the answer to this yet, but I am looking at the 8 step sequencer expression pedal to use in unison with my Line 6 M5 pedal. I currently have a mission expression pedal that I use with it, and I know that I had to seek out a pedal specifically designed to be compatible with line 6 devices. No stores in town have one for me to experiment with yet, so if anyone knows the answer, I’d appreciate it.


    Unfortunately the 8-STEP is not compatible with Line 6 pedals, at least we could not get it to work in our tests. We know it to be compatible with most Boss/Roland gear, Moog, EHX (of course), Nord and Eventide (set DEPTH to 5).


    Bummer. Thanks for the response.


    Try turning the Depth down to 3 and using a Mono cable. Worked for me.

    Try turning the Depth down to 3 and using a Mono cable. Worked for me.

    I can confirm that, works for me as well (M5).


    I can confirm that setting the depth to 3 on the 8 Step and a TS cable works with the Line 6 M9 and M13 as well.

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