Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback DELUXE Stereo Memory Man w/Hazarai – updated digital Delay with subdivisions, Expression Pedal functionality and FX loop.

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    Well, the title says it all i guess.

    The Deluxe Memory Man with TT is soooo great.

    …but sometimes i wished, i had a digital delay pedal with some of the functionalities.

    Maybe Electro Harmonix could bring an upgraded version of the Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai.

    New features could/should be:

    – subdivisions like on the DMMTT

    – Expression Pedal implementation (maybe like in other pedals – all knob settings would be twistable via EP?).

    – an FX loop (there aren’t that much digital delay pedals with one): could be switchable between pre and post delay!

    – of course a few presets would be great, but not one preset per mode, but free presets!

    – continuous feedback /freeze function: just like if you hold the tap switch on the DMMTT it goes either into selfoscillation or it could be a freeze function!

    – maybe more different multitap increments.

    – longer loop time

    i think this would be a killer pedal.

    what do you think?




    Here’s my addition for a hazarai deluxe, so many want one!:

    I actually don’t think the above ideas are the most important improvements, but to make it more perfect i’d include:

    third switch- accesses the looper functions and is in non-latching recording mode (so you press once to record, once to stop record)
    (OR a latch/non-latch toggle and just two footswitches)

    tap tempo switch- can perform the loop erase function without bypassing when held down instead.

    better buffer and volume loss sorted: the cathedral seems to be a lot better, so perhaps they can do better now.

    loop controls: set as default to something sensible whilst in other modes-particularly the repeats on full so no attenuation, maybe the preset of the looper can be set to run and not be affected by other modes at all.

    expression control!

    mod speed on the mod setting

    analogue pitch bending delay control on some of the modes for that oscillation sound (keep the stutter on some though.)

    something similar to the voices on the reverse reverb, but on the standard mode!

    and some new crazy delay variants you’ve perhaps not added yet!


    I really love this pedal, but there are a couple things that make it nearly unusable live:

    1) the well-documented volume drop. The DMB fixes this with a “gain” control, but that’s a whole new knob, and space is limited. Just getting this puppy to unity would be great.

    2) The looper is fantastic–my absolute favorite. Except for the way in which the stomps occur. So difficult to time this out–every other looper I’ve used reads individual stomps as the start and close of the loop. There probably is no way to fix this but to include a third footswitch dedicated to the looper.

    Honestly, if these two things were fixes as well as whatever stuff EHX decides to update in terms of tone/sound programming, I’d be very happy.

    To push this pedal into the the orbit of awesome, include some of the functions of the DMB. That’s also a great pedal (use both on my board).

    3) An Effects loop

    4) Expression pedal control

    5) Tap subdivision.

    This pedal would suddenly get huge, though–3 stomps, 7 or eight knobs, 4 jacks on the left, 3 on the right, 2 toggles on the face, preset LEDs, &c. But I’m just dreaming, anyway.


    now i’m thinking make a strymon timeline/delaylab competitor. EHX has the POG, small clone, Holy grail tons of effects enough envlope filters i don’t know which to chose. that we could get a taste of with delays…would i guess be a hazarai with more modes, like delay shimmer, chorus-delay, swell delay, grail+delay, filter delay, dual/rhythmic, more glitchy superego type stuff like the redpanda particle etc. and the formentioned updates to the hazarai!

    one thing i realised is the multitap isn’t a true multitap, as it only taps a straight rhythm. its just tap delay, MISADVERTISED, a multitap taps out a rhythm. therefore i want an actual real multitap, because its the whole reason i’m buying a second delay!

    Could make the first big delay with separate dry/wet outputs switchable with LR. it would be so useful especially with loops! i can then send to separate amps so they don’t get lost in mix, or step on massive distortion whilst having delay on a separate amp and it not get lost, then maybe switch back to standard stereo for a clean ambient preset..


    Add me to the list of those who would love to see an updated version of this awesome pedal. I’ve sold one, bought another one and sold that one in the last 2 years. If the looper was easier to use and the volume drop was fixed, it would never have left the first time. I’d love to see a lot of the features already mentioned, but realistically, I know you guys can’t do them all.

    Some of the things you already do with other pedals, like the third switch and the separate preset box seem like they would be great on the Hazarai.

    Expression control is a must. Maybe it could be implemented the same way the low-pass filter is on the DMB in order to keep from having another button on top. Just turn the knob, or knobs???, you want to control.

    Obviously, sound quality would be an expected improvement.

    The controls are fine the way they are as far as I’m concerned.

    A true multi-tap mode would also be nice. A new mode altogether is probably the only way to do this without sacrificing the things that make the current multi- mode awesome.

    Tap divisions aren’t necessary to me, but I get that a lot of people want them. True multi-tap would be better and unique, IMO.

    I don’t think a new Hazarai should aim to compete with the likes of Strymon or Eventide’s superdelays (in fact, I think that would be a huge mistake). I love the quirkiness and weirdness of EHX pedals, and the ability they have to get wacky sounds. Please just make a new Hazarai that fills the same space the current one does, just make it better at that. And whatever you do, DON’T ELIMINATE THE ABILITY TO HAVE REPEATS INCREASE/DECREASE/MAINTAIN VOLUME.

    Phew. Feels good to have that off my chest.


    I’m sure it would compete with the strymons and eventides if there were just minor changes actually…forget adding tons of modes- essentially its great but a few more improvements on how it does things would be great.

    Volume drop is due to the phasing of the ouputs i’m pretty sure. There are certain configurations of how you plug in outputs that work(but mean the effect is unusable/lost functions)…or actually hooking up to stereo of course….its just how the two ‘phased’ outputs are summed into mono they cancel on both dry and effect-at about 45 degrees each or something because phase switching doesn’t help much. Stereo is fine, one channel only is fine, running through both channels in series is fine with suitable changes like buffers or preamps inbetween.

    I think there are multiple modes so there are presets, the only reason for adding modes is say if they give 3 presets for each mode, then not need 1 sec, 3 sec versions so include somethng else maybe just slightly different like rate knob, oscillation whatever…

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