Home Forums Vintage EHX Wooden boxes : when did they first appear ?

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    I am getting more and more into collecting EH pedals and I wonder when EH started to sell pedals in wooden boxes ? Is it only Sovteks era ?
    For example : I have seen Stereo Polychorus in cardboads boxes and others in wooden boxes ? Is it a way to know at first glance that one is post 2000 or early 90.s ?
    Thanks a lot.

    EDIT : has the Stereo Polychorus been first designed in late 90’s or is there an old version of Stereo Polychorus (first EH era 1976-1981)


    The EH Man

    not sure of the dates but generally the wooden boxes are older. Exception: My Deluxe Electric Mistress was purchased when they first came out but it was in a cardboard box. I asked EHX about it and they said they were waiting for wooden boxes.

    There is a vintage Polychorus unit but it’s not stereo.


    Thanks for this quick answer.
    I am aware of earlier vintage Polychorus/Polyflanger/Echoflanger mono units.
    I wanna buy both versions and wondered when the stereo version came out. And if wooden box was a sign of birth date :-)
    By the way, do you know the approx birth date of mono and stereo polychorus ?



    The mono EchFlanger probably first appeared around 1977 or 1978. I’m pretty sure I have seen it in a 1978 catalog.

    I believe that the Stereo Polychorus with the wooden box was introduced in the late 90s.

    The wooden box period seems to be from the late 90s to about 2005.


    Speaking of wich, I would love to find original boxes for some of my old EHX pedals that are naked :-)
    Or at least cardboard boxes with the same dimensions as the original ones…


    just watch ebay! just 2 days ago i seen two lots of 5 boxes each for sale!

    currently all i see is one for a small stone. but keep going back and looking!


    Yes I have seen those… But of course coming from US (I’m in Paris…not Texas, France). It’s a bit weird to send empty boxes in a USPS box :-)
    Anyway, that could be great too find the original supplier for old big boxes EHX pedals. I could at least store those babes nicely…
    But I always keep an eye on Ebay !
    I have 2 Deluxe Octave Multiplexer, 2 attack Decay, One PolyChorus (mono) waiting for a box.

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