Home Forums Help/Technical Questions different prices on Memory Man’s?!?!?!?! and other delay suggestions please.

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    ok i have owned the SMMH for about 4 years, and recently i wanted to add a second delay to my setup. i wanted sum thing more strait delay than the SMMH.

    MXR Carbon copy was an option, but i want to stay loyal to EHX, and i was looking at the Deluxe Memory Man XO, especially after reminiscing on my old big boxes from watching this video http://youtu.be/QDBDvIG4DyI , that EHX eventually posted on the home page blog.

    but since i haven’t been much of a delay person in the past, i had no knowledge of the prices, and i was blown away!

    why does the Deluxe Memory Man cost at least $100. more than the SMMH! that seams backwards to me! seeing that the SMMH can do so much more!

    is it do to the chips and quality/rareness of other components?

    and also, while im here, can any one suggest any other delays? i love EHX but am willing to wander, but i want that classic quality MM sound!

    the Catalinbread Echorec is lookin sweet!


    yup, digital effects are usually cheaper to manufacture. The Haz can do all that stuff because it’s just programming, it’s not like having to design and build another part of the circuit. if you want the DMM sound how about waiting out for a good used one? imo nothing else really sounds quite like one.


    i think thats exactly what im going to do, but im also going to get the Catalinbread Echorec as well, after the DMM

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