Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Can’t Get my Big Muff to sound good, Help please?

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    Hey guys
    Just bought a Big Muff brand new.

    Ibanez AF55

    bugera BG30a4 amp

    My major problem is theres so much distortion, I can’t even get a tone from any chords I play or anything. It just sounds like static puking into a bucket of clamshells…
    Can someone give me an idea of what could fix this?
    I’ve tried varying the volume and gain and got nothing from it. Not sure what to do at this point. I’ve “fiddled” with all of the knobs in different combos.

    I was looking for a black keys, white stripes sort of sound and haven’t achieved anything even audible.


    :EDIT: I also have more than one guitar I ran it through, a solid body Austin and a Hollow body Aria with Seymore 59 pickups in it.


    Sounds like it might be defective.

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