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    did anybody else catch this?
    love the graphic


    oh damn, that looks cool. DI out too. If I ever play bass in a band again I could just take that & a bass to a show & leave the amp at home.


    Yes, I received the press release earlier this week:


    Since it has a noise gate wouldn’t that mean you’d want to put it at the end of your chain? To get the gate effect I mean. Or do I not understand the way those work?


    Can’t wait to try it out in January.

    Can’t wait to try it out in January.

    Are you going to NAMM? :D


    Kitrae, looking forward to your synopsis once you do!


    There’s one or two on eBay, has anyone tried one out yet? I’m pretty tempted.
    It seems pretty good, though I don’t immediately associate a DI box with Big Muff.

    Since it has a noise gate wouldn’t that mean you’d want to put it at the end of your chain? To get the gate effect I mean. Or do I not understand the way those work?

    when I used one briefly (with guitar) I put it first, the problem with putting it after other pedals is when you turn them on it messes up the gate setting … any gain or volume increase (or decrease) will alter when the gate opens and closes. So you set the gate up perfectly for when you have overdrive on (which is when you really want it) then when you turn the drive off the gate setting is totally wrong. … in the end I just sold it because whatever I did it never seemed to work how I wanted it to. So having the gate turn on and off with the fuzz on this pedal is actually a really good idea. (presuming that’s what it does)


    I don’t really get the purpose of a noise gate. If you want to cut the sound why not just use a kill-switch, tuner, or volume pedal?

    The built in crossover & DI are definitely nice additions.


    I just played around with one for a few hours on both bass and guitar. For bass, it’s basically the same as Bass Big Muff sound, with a similar bass boost/cut switch (The BBM is a slightly lower gain, slightly less bassy version of a Green Russian BMP, with a brighter mid range). The extras here are a separate dry mix pot, a noise gate, and a switchable crossover filter. The crossover is the one to play around with here. When you switch it on via the separate foot switch it engages a high pass filter, basically like a wah filter. If you have ever left your wah in one position (cocked wah) to use with a distortion pedal, that’s what this is. You just kick the filter on or off with the footswitch, so you can use it as the rhythm channel with the BMP circuit, and kick it off for solos, or vise versa, depending n the settings.

    There is a wide filter range with the HPF pot, but right at 12:00 is a nice cocked wah sound for guitar, especially with the neck pickup on a Strat. Flip the input switch to the -10db position and you can get some nice overdrive type tones with the HPF.

    Dial the sustain to max and the blend pot down to around 75% and it adds some nice smoothness to the BMP distortion. Any less and it really just weakens the guitar tone, but switching on the HPF with the blend dialed down gives some interesting low gain tones.

    Below the HPF pot is a low pass filter pot, but it does very little with the guitar signal at any position. It’s more effective when mixing in some dry singnal using a bass guitar and the HPF filter.

    The noise gate is not really for reducing noise, since this circuit is relatively quiet anyway. It’s more of an effect here. Dial it up high and it cuts off the initial pick attack when playing hard starts and stops on bass. Dial the distortion down and you can get some sputtery gated effects on both guitar and bass, but it is very subtle.

    Overall I like it. For guitar, it’s a very good Sovtek Big Muff related distortion, and the HPF adds another interesting color to the sound. I guess if you have a wah pedal and a BBM or Sovtek BMP, you don’t really need this, but it’s a fun pedal.

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