Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Superego effect loop

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  • #82585

    Hi guys,

    I’m enjoying the Superego a lot. I have a couple of pedals in it’s effect loop. I enjoy those pedals on their own as well. Does anyone know if there exists a solution that will allow me to take the pedals in and out of Superego’s effect loop, without having to lean over to my pedal board and re-patching everything?



    I’m not 100% sure what you want, but here are 2 solutions for 2 different problems:

    You can bypass multiple pedals in the effects loop with a bypass looper or use a programmable looper to switch between combinations.

    Or do you want to switch the pedal(s) between the SuperEgo’s effects loop and the “normal” signal path (before/after the SuperEgo)? Then you can use an A/B loop switcher for 2 loops, connect the pedal(s) to in/out, the Superego loop on loop A and the normal signal chain on B.


    Thanks DiscoFreq,

    I’m wanting to do your scenario number two; switching between Superego’s effect loop and the “normal” signal path. I actually found just what I was looking for, The Dropout. http://this1smyne.com/shop/the-dropout/


    Eddie Mango

    Hi there,
    I tried to draw it down…the A/B loop switching thing, but I still don’t really get it.
    Let’s say I want to use my Superego with a chourus and a Micro Pog in the Superego effect Loop.

    and than later that gig I want to use my Chorus and my Micro Pog in the “normal” effect chain.

    I want to have it running in my rig. I use a GCX switcher. (the “dropoutbox” seems interesting, but I hope there is a way to get it done with what I have or something that is programmable or sth where I don’t have to tap on) …the Superego is incredible by the way.

    cheers and thank you,
    ian (Germany)


    I made a drawing now and I see there’s one problem with that idea: the other location is “open”, so the chain is broken there…

    Eddie Mango

    mmmhhh…but there must be a solution somewhere to find…I’m sure, I’m not the only one having this problem…

    mmmhhh…but there must be a solution somewhere to find…I’m sure, I’m not the only one having this problem…

    Yes, it should be possible, I’ll have a better look when I have some time :)

    Eddie Mango

    Thanx man! Supercool!


    You can do this with a DPDT AB switch (or two AB switches) and two Y-cables. How’re your soldering skills? I suppose if you’re making this yourself you can forgo the Y-cables and just add more jacks.

    It’ll go as follows:
    the guitar (or whatever effects you’re using before the super ego/chorus+M.Pog) should be connected to the first switchable input.

    The ‘A’ channel of the first switchable input and the superego’s effects send should be summed with a Y-cable (or multiple jacks wired together) and go to the Chorus input (and the chorus out should be connected to the M.Pog input)

    The ‘B’ channel of the first switchable input should go to the Superego’s input.

    The M.Pog’s output should go to the second switchable input.

    The ‘A’ channel of the second switchable input and the Superego’s Output should be summed with a Y-cable (or multiple jacks wired together) – these then go to the amp, or whatever effects you’re running after the superego/chorus/micropog.

    The ‘B’ channel of the second switchable input should go to the Superego’s fx return.

    I’ll probably be able to make up a diagram after I’m done at work if this doesn’t make sense.

    Eddie Mango

    ufff! but cool…yeah…I’ve been soldering stuff like that before…though I have to admit…I never got things roadproof…it all broke pretty fast…but if you guys make a drwing, I am still sure it is in a lot of people intrest. You’re crazy to do it in your free time :)

    bets, best regards from Berlin,



    you could do it without soldering too, but you’d be buying two a/b switches and a few y-cables (and presumably a few more patch cables). Just more cost effective to make the part rather than patch it together from utility equipment.

    Heck, you could probably just add a switch that controls where the bypassed signal goes when the superego isn’t on if you’re handy with a soldering iron and there’s a bit of room inside the SE.

    Eddie Mango

    ….ok…..so concerning the first idea, gathering a bunch of AB switchers together….best thing out of this would be buying that “dropoutbox”… (i was still hoping to find a more switchable solution, so I can put in under my GCX Looper)

    But then I’ll probably go with the idea of modding the Pedal and adding a swicht….would you draw it down? (Of course not in your free time :)

    Cheers and thank you for your time and effort.



    so here’s a signal diagram. You could make it like this with two A/Bs, 2 Y-cables and a few patch cables. Each of the stacks of 3 boxes is one AB switch, each circled plus is a Y-cable. It’s probably a bit messy.


    personally, I’d remake it in a breakout box. you’ll need 8x 1/4″ jacks, 1 enclosure, 1 DPDT stomp switch and some wire. If you want to make it powered, you’ll need an LED, a resistor for said LED, and to change out the DPDT for a 3PDT switch.

    If you were going to be building it inside the superego enclosure, you’d need a fair bit of room and probably a surface mount soldering station.

    edit: herp, I mixed up where the send and return jacks are on the S.E. for those pictures – in the diagrams above, consider the jack above the output the ‘send’ and the jack above the input the ‘return’. Apparently I also mixed up the direction signals go into the chorus/M.Pog as well.

    Eddie Mango

    wow….thanx dude! I totally get!

    Maybe I’ll just rehouse the SE…then I’ll have more space and I don’t mess up your beautifull box.
    I guess I’ll hand it over to sombody who’s modding proffessionally.
    The fisrt diagramm is intresting too…concerning my ambition to dump it in my rack.

    Is it ok if I post your diagramm here and there…I’ll always mention your name and company with it, of course.

    kind regards,


    don’t worry about the credit – i just troubleshoot in my spare time, and the company is song/album/production based, rather than gear based. If you’re feeling grateful and have a buck or two to spend, buy some tunes or talk them up to your friends (or, hell, just have a listen).

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