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    hi all,

    i have a doepfer drk energy synth (what’s that?) it’s a great little synth though when it comes to a rich bassline it can’t be as big as a moog or such. so i’m thinking to expand it’s sounds via pedals.

    what would be your suggestions? i’m planning to go for some bass pedals like the octave multiplexer and maybe a delay, or i can go for the micro synth directly.

    what would you say?



    depending on how much harmonic content from it you’re using, the octave multiplexer might not be the best for octave shifting (heavy artifacts, etc); maybe look at some of the digital solutions – the POG2/Micropog, or even the HOG.

    You might also want to look into a non-triggering (envelopeless/fixed) 8-pole filter to get the “richness” that you haven’t been able to get through FM+4-pole filter. My suggestion would be something like the Alesis Ineko/Akira or the Alesis ModFX Philtre.

    Another idea for the filter would be getting a minitaur and using it solely for the filter.

    You could also buy an infrasound synth (they’re commonly in the DJs section [for dnb, yeah?] or you might be able to find a DOD FX32 “Meatbox”)

    Adding a Delay would be neat for leads – the SMMwH would be an excellent choice – and a detuning chorus would make your bass sounds real massive (small clone or stereo polychorus)

    Really though I have a hard time believing you aren’t getting excellent bass sounds out of it – triangle wave + 4 pole filter is the triphop bass sound, and if you want to get a square wave or saw, that should be fairly easily available via the FM, XM, and LM knobs.


    Also you could try a 2- or 4-pole highpass filter at about 50Hz to get some thick subbass, or a limiter to get more of a hip hop bass sound.


    thanks a lot for the reply, delay – chorus combo looks nice, i’ll keep in mind. also the alesis pedals looks fantastic though they seem hart to find.



    yeah. maybe something like the Digitech RDS 3.6 rack (don’t worry, it’s the same what-you-see-is-what-you-get settings like a pedal) or the Deluxe Memory Boy/Man for both the delay and chorus.

    the Alesis ones are hard to find on demand but if you keep an ebay search up for them, they’ll turn up for fairly inexpensive about once or twice a month.


    Chorus : subtle settings can thicken your sound quite nicely, i think it sounds better on synth than guitar
    Phase: I like Small Stone with the color switch off on a slow to medium setting
    Reverb/Delay: additional awesomeness
    Octavers: Nice way of thickening your sound as well. As cryabetes said the HOG is pretty awesome, I like mine with my synth.
    Fuzz: Fuzz is awesome on synth, love my big muff. Used to have a French Toast (Foxx Tone Machine clone) that I think would be awesome on synth, but I don’t think I ever tried it.
    Ring Modulator: All synths need this. Love my frequency analyzer.
    Other: I don’t have a ravish sitar, but I think the sympathetic voices would work really well with a synth. Not sure about the lead voices though. Loopers are cool too.

    I had a synth board for awhile, I think it was 3 fuzzes and a small stone.

    But I think if I were to do an all synth board, here’s what I’d consider:

    Octave > Octave Fuzz > Fuzz > Ring Mod > Chorus > Phaser > Analog Delay > Digital Delay > Looper > Reverb

    This is completely ignoring your needs & just doing what I’d think is fun for leads, bass, & ambience.


    i love the syb3/5 on synths, mostly the waveshaper mode

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