Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics I want my 8 string guitar to sound like a real bass

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    okay so I looked at the Boss OC3 and Electro Harmonix Octave Multiplexer, I noticed it does not track for chords. I’m looking for a octave pedal to make my guitar sound like a 8-string bass not the coursed kind like a 12 string guitar, I mean an extended 8 string bass, is their any pedal that will make my guitar that will sound like a bass that can track chords and wont give it a weird glitchy sound,that can do slap and pop and track tapped harmonic,pinch harmonic’s?

    The EH Man

    Try a POG2 or a HOG.


    thanks man, when you play bass lines from that pedal does it track well for chords to simulate a bass guitar? or doing slap or pop?

    The EH Man

    Sorry, I don’t use either.


    I’d take a look at the Ring Thing, which has a polyphonic pitch shifter feature. Ultimately, though, you’re just not going to get a realistic bass sound out of an 8-string – the physics of the string tension, gauge, and scale length simply will not produce the same tone. (And I say that as someone who plays 8-string!)

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