Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics 2880 hardware sequencer questions: what are people using?

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    hello i am a new 2880 user so keep that in mind. i want to use it as follows: to play prerecorded parts at will being triggered by a midi master pitchfactor -timefactor-sequencer-2880. i know you can only record one loop at a time but what if that “loop” was split into small bits that would be played or triggered by a sequencer’s (spp)? so i could have many back ground parts in one loop. they would all be at different starting points and stopping points. first can this be done? has anyone done this? if so what sequencers are people using to do this with? i would be looking for a hardware basic sequencer without all the bells and such.


    1 nope.

    All four tracks on a 2880 share their start/stop points. All play simultaneously; any fading in and out is done with the sliders or cc messages to the sliders. You’re looking for a sampler, not a looper. Personally, I recommend the Korg ESX-1.


    i think you misunderstood my question, or i did not ask it right. i know all the tracks are one loop and linked to each other. i just wanted to know if you could use (spp) and midi stop start commands to control what pieces of the loop are played and at what time and how long. so in theory the machine would act like a sampler and a looper. in this paradigm you could have lets say 10 loops with in one loop using (spp) or can you? that is my question. if so what would be the best machine for this? i have read the sr-16 and 18 have (spp) and may be able to do something like this when being used as a midi master. do you know if this is true and ,or can you recommend something else? thank you for your time


    I don’t think you can do that with a 2880


    it says in the manual that it responds to (spp) if this is true why cant you have many start and stop points in the sam loop?


    well, that would be a question for whoever designed it, not the owners of said product. it doesn’t respond that way. I haven’t looked into any of the Alesis/Akai drum machines so I wouldn’t know whether you can put multiple start/stop points in their patterns.


    my question is : is it possible to do this if the machine(drum machine and or sequencer) has the ability to have many start and stop spp commands stored and transmitted through midi? will the 2880 respond in the desired manner?


    why would the 2880 not respond to (spp) if it says so in the manual? also isn’t the whole point of the (spp) to give the user full freedom to play a number of bars from any starting point in the one loop that is saved in the memory? if this is not the point of (spp) maybe i don’t understand the definition if this is true why would the 2880 not do this? at this point i would just like to know if it can be done with the right machine. the machine is to be determined at another time.


    it will, but it will not do small loops like you were describing. On page 23 of the pdf manual, if you want to check for yourself. Like, if your drum machine would tell it, start on bar two, the looper could do that. But it can’t say Start on Bar 2 and at bar 3 loop back to bar 2; it will play through the total number of bars recorded.

    It can probably be done with a sampler/sequencer such as the Akai MPC line, Native Instrument’s Maschine, Ableton Live, the Korg ESX-1, or that new linux thing from berlin that just came out. Maybe also the Octatrack.


    ok then it would work in a one shot situation fine. just press play or start on the master and when you want it off press stop on the 2880 or the master. however ,if i wanted to loop back to say bar 2 (using your mode)l i would need another command like stop at bar 3 and go back to bar 2. this would depend on the drum machine and or sequencer also you would be able to have all of the loop sections of the one “real loop have different tempos if you had the master programed to play all the start stop commands with different tempos in them to play one after another into track one of the 2880. then on track 2 you could record your one big loop witch would be made up of all the small loops that were programed by the master sequencer or drum machine? in this way you could have multiple loops in one 2880 in theory?


    it’s really hard to follow what you talk about when you don’t put breaks in your run-ons.

    No, there’s not a feasible way to include microloops on the 2880. It’s a very useful tool if you treat it like a looper, not like a sampler.






    A sampler will do what you are describing. Not a looper. Are you following me yet?


    i am trying to get the most out of the machine do you understand me yet? why not push the envelope? i am sorry my sentence structure is a problem for you.

    i don’t understand why it should not be used as an all in one tool if it could be?

    whats wrong with trying to exploit a feature that make make it into a poor man’s sampler?

    there are people that use it to emulate a tape echo. if you want a tape echo why not buy one?

    you can also use it as a volume pedal i have read but its not a volume pedal.

    i know it loops and i like it as a looper but it may be able to do more. thats all i am saying

    if i am to understand you you are saying all my ideas are wrong? you yourself confirmed spp could be used to star from different bars. the only issue would be to stop the recording and go back to the start again.

    also as a looper with a drum machine maybe you change tempos within the same loop if the drum machine is being used as a master clock. this would be another reason to slave it to a drum machine.


    honestly, it’d be really cool if it could do microloops like you’re describing, especially if you could turn on and off the spp markers so you could do live glitch/IDM type sets.

    I’m saying it’s far easier to do with a sampler, and less costly if you were to just buy a sampler in the first place.

    the last point about chainging tempos, it does this. due to the associated pitch shift, I haven’t found a reason to use it that way yet but it does indeed do that.


    well thank you for the your advice but i also wanted a looper that did everything the 2880 can do. also its not too bad if you also want a drum machine on top of it, which i did. to combine the two and make a “sampler” ,i would argue would be better than just a sampler (for maybe 100 bucks less or so). its all how you look at it if you dont want a looper than i see what you mean. if you want a looper that can be a sampler then put a drum machine together with it and you got both. plus i love the sound quality of the 2880.


    one more point: it is my understanding to control the sample pads of an mpc type of sampler may require a midi foot controller. with a note value not a program change. these are very costly. correct me if i am wrong

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