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  • #82134

    Pretty lame to market the Neo Clone as having the same circuit as the Small Clone when it uses a (quite) different BBD chip. I’d say the chip is a big part of the circuit, no?


    No… it produces 1024 stages of delay just like the old BBD, it just uses N-Channel FETs instead of P-Channel and is in modern production where as the old chip is not. It functions the same.

    Perfectly acceptable and no lies of saying it uses a NOS BBD when it doesn’t.

    The resistors are SMD instead of 1/4 now too and the modern transistors used will have higher gain than the 80s models… i’d still call it the same circuit though.

    If the chip has the same specs as the old one is another matter though, but I think the marketing is sound.


    The intent of the marketing is clearly to get folks to believe that the Neo Clone is the same pedal as the Small Clone, only in a smaller package. It is not. The 3207 used is a 9v chip, with lower headroom than the MN2007, and in the case of the particular 3207 used, arguably inferior tonal characteristics (including noisiness). The MN3007 is a 15V chip, and many people, myself included, run their Small Clones at 12V to take advantage of the higher headroom/reduced clipping. Unlike the difference in something like the power adapter receptacle, the difference in chips has a significant effect on the pedal’s performance.

    If the Neo Clone is a great, compact analog delay, EHX should just market it as such, rather than marketing it as something that it’s not.

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