Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EMG 81’s plus Little Big Muff Equals….

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    Hi! I’m looking foward to buy a Little Big Muff and I wondered if EMGs 81 works well with this pedal. When I bought the H.O.G., nothing was stated that active pickups could easily make the h.o.g. clip so that is the reason why I’m asking this BEFORE buying this time!




    active pickups shouldn’t make a HOG clip; too loud of an output signal would. And why would clipping matter for a distortion?


    im currently running the new Seymour Duncan Blackout active humbuckers into a LBM, with no issues at all, sounds great! and the Blackouts are “hotter” than EMG81’s


    Thanks for the info! As with the H.O.G., it is very usable, it’s just that I must set the imput gain to a notch above the lowest I can go and it doesn’t clip.

    At first I was scared I wouldn’t be able to use it without clipping but it works fine with the emgs now.

    Next guitar tough will not have active pickups. Seems to me that passive are more versatile.

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