Home Forums EHX News Vintage Guitar Magazine February 2012 Reader Mail *

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    All I can say I had to read the writers post 3 times (and still a bit dumbfounded that Vintage Guitar even printed such trash, and unfounded dribble,

    In a letter to the Editor a man in Palmyra Va, labeled 1) Vintage Guitar as a “Commie Rag?”
    2) Guitarist and 22 year Union man Tom Morello (whose own Mother was/is a Union High School Teacher as a “avowed communist” ( He graduated fromHarvard and is extremly active in Worker’s Rights performing in Wisconsin against the Union Busting Gov. ) and 3) Mr. Mike Mathews regarding his portrait of Lenin (in regards to His great Interview in Dec 2011 in Vintage Guitar
    (“Mike Mathews: The Special Effect at EHX “) then a tirade about Lenin ,Marx etc.

    Vintage Guitar was the last gear magazine I subscribe to dropping others as duplicates, boring or covering plain over priced gear, I wrote a letter to the editor to Vintage Guitar off their web site about this letter,
    and Hope You do to ,I live in Ohio and this past November a Overwhelming amount of Ohio Voters overturned a Union Busting Bill (which “was” Senate Bill 5 and over 310 pages long, yet it supposedly was about two issues baloney, in the early 1980’s 2 states were Right to Work States (Virginia and Utah) now over 35 states are right to work, The Train is running away and its direction must be reversed. The United States is a Union.

    Peace and Mr. Mathews You did not deserve that nor did Tom Morello nor Vintage Guitar

    ambienttales in Ohio


    The EH Man

    I quit buying Vintage Guitar magazine years ago simply because of the amount of ads it has. If you took all the ads out it’d be about 1/3 the size and easier to store. I have several boxes of back issues back to when it first started.


    I never understood the point of guitar magazines when you’ve got an internet right there.

    Also, pretty sure that politics should stay away from the technical/electronic aspect of playing music. In the songwriting sure but politics do not determine which opamp you use or wither or not to turn on your ringmod.

    Mr. ORANGE
    I never understood the point of guitar magazines when you’ve got an internet right there.

    Some people likes magazines because they can read them on the toilet (not me)…You can take a laptop on the toilet with you but it’s kind of disgusting… :D

    The EH Man

    Plus, not everything is on the internet.


    i must say the best guitar publication i have found to date is by far….Premier Guitar.

    you can get it free on your PC/tablet/smartphone or get a paper subscription for a very reasonable price!

    i cant explain all there is great about it, all i can say is check it out for yourself!

    **i am not advertising or spamming, or affiliated with PG, im just a fan!



    I read PG on my IPad all the time.

    Plus, not everything is on the internet.

    nonsense, EVERYTHING is on the internet.

    The EH Man
    Plus, not everything is on the internet.

    nonsense, EVERYTHING is on the internet.

    Just keep believing that…….


    no really though, what isn’t?

    The EH Man

    There’s not a picture of my bare butt anywhere.


    True true Ron, but when most people refer to being able to find anything online, they usually mean anything your “looking for”………..does/is anyone looking for pics of R.N.II’s bare ass?……lol

    The EH Man

    True. I do see stuff in Vintage Guitar magazine that I can’t find on the internet, though. That’s one thing I miss about buying it. I don’t miss pictures of people’s collections of strats or Les Pauls (BORING!!).

    There’s not a picture of my bare butt anywhere.

    really only a matter of time until google maps’s streetview has this for everyone


    Most guitar magazines are nothing more than advertising. Notice you never see a bad review in there? Yet there’s got to be bad gear.

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