Home Forums Vintage EHX Deluxe type pedals: LED for effect “on/off” not Power “on/off” How-To?

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    I would like to change or add on my older EH “Deluxe” effects (Deluxe Big Muff & Deluxe Memory Man) to have a LED effect “on/off” indicator.

    I found this thread: https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/954/#10280
    there is a post that shows a how-to with photos where the user was able to convert the power LED to an effect LED indicator on their QTron…
    I’m assuming this can also be done with an older Deluxe Memory Man (w/o the relay switching) & a Deluxe Big Muff by using a 3pdt switch?

    Not sure if this can also be done by adding an effect on/off LED and keeping the power LED, I assume this means adding additional wires and soldering to the same points on the circuit board for the power LEd and soldering to the correct lugs on the switch?


    Actually I want to do this on my Deluxe Big Muff, as it will make it true-bypass…
    Not on the Deluxe Memory Man because I like to keep the gain adjustment ability when bypassed on my old deluxe memory man.

    Is there a way to add an effect LED on the old memory man without making it true bypass?

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