Home Forums Help/Technical Questions DMM w/ Tap Tempo – separate Dry/Wet output

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  • #81797
    clone theorist

    Hi ho everyone, new to the forums- longtime EHX user/abuser. :wave:

    JUST got myself the new Memory Man w/ tap tempo as a long-needed upgrade from my old faithful DMM. The new one is great, same sound and features galore. Dig it!

    The thing is, I’ve used my old DMM with a two-amp setup and the DMM TT does not have dry/wet outputs.
    Could the Effects Send output be used as an dry or wet out? Can the output be used with a TRS jack to split the signal? The manual that I just read on the net does not mention this.I can’t try this out at the moment (away on holiday)

    In my original two-amp setup I was going from the DMM into a stereo input Lehle switcher w/ isolated outputs feeding my two amps.



    A couple different ways to do this

    For a dry out + wet out:
    The effects send could be used as a ‘wet’ out, and something that splits the signal before it goes into the delay could then be used as a ‘dry’ out.

    For a wet out + a mix out:
    Put a Y-cable in the send- return one of those to the ‘return’ jack. the other branch of the Y is your ‘wet’ out. The output jack is your mix out.

    For all three: A Y-cable into the input will provide a ‘dry’ signal out.
    A Y-cable into the send jack will provide a ‘wet’ out
    and the output will provide the ‘mix’ out.

    just a quick note- splitting the dry signal may require a higher gain because you’re splitting the signal amplitude in two.


    clone theorist

    Thank you sir!

    Wow, that explanation will help me with other stuff as well as the DMM TT issue :thumb:

    I wonder if the Effects Send is affected by the Blend knob? Will be checking this out..
    It would still be cool and simple if the pedal had a stereo Output jack, so I could use a TRS to split the signal there.

    Thank you sir!

    Wow, that explanation will help me with other stuff as well as the DMM TT issue :thumb:

    I wonder if the Effects Send is affected by the Blend knob? Will be checking this out..
    It would still be cool and simple if the pedal had a stereo Output jack, so I could use a TRS to split the signal there.

    Yeah. but if you get something that does ping ponging delays, and also takes an external footswitch to take the tap time, you can use a Y-cable on that to sync them and get the analog+fx loop+ping pong stuff.

    might be worth looking into. I think the DD-5 has the tap switch in. there’s got to be others as well.

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