Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Ridiculous Question Time! This one about the Muff OD…

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    I love the LOOK and the IDEA of the Muff OD… however I would like it to have more gain. In esscence my question is: Is there a component change or something that would enable you to turn the volume knob into a gain knob? I would love to have a one knob Muff! I want the Muff-iness in small package, but the OD doesn’t get very muffy at all. I imagine what I ask is impossible, but it’s worth a shot. I saw the Soul Preacher/Muff OD vid, but I would rather not have a BUNCH of pedals. Just one heavy doomy Muff in a nano case, with one knob!

    P.S. I have the Bass Muff and the Tone Wicker and the Nano Metal and I ADORE them! Would like to have a one knob fuzz pedal, is all…

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