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    hey, I’m back. after picking up a big muff, a crybaby, and a ’78 distortion, I’m ready to sell my multi effects. with the $130 in hoping to score for it, plus the $165 I still have in the bank, I’m planning on picking up my next batch of pedal goodness: a custom comp for $100, a script phase 90 w/ led for $90, and some kind of tremolo. i’ve got about $110 to spend on it, i really want to know what people say is the best for the money. I’m also gonna sell my ipod for $200, so that gives me a huge budget for my next pedal, which will be a flanger, and again, i want to know what people say the best is. Also, let me know if i should take from the flanger money for a better trem. and last but not least, it has to be ANALOG!! thanks.


    When I went trem shopping I did a mini-shootout at the store with EHX Pulsar, Marshall vibe, and Voodoo Labs.

    Voodoo Labs was the clear winner, and won’t break the bank.

    That said, I was looking for a classic “soft” tremelo. It’ll do choppy, but it’s really not geared for noise-makers.

    Hope that helps!


    it sure does. I’m looking for a vintage style amp like tremolo pedal. I’m trying to add more diversity too my board. the previous outline i had was all ehx and MXR, with the exception of a crybaby. any suggestions for a flanger?


    Check out Catalinebread fer vintage style amp trem.. Paradioal Mezmorizer or something like that. Their Semaphore Trem is really nice to.



    its kinda out of my price range. I’m looking between 80 to 140. for flanger, 100 to 160. for a flanger, i really want a classic sounding analog one that will fuze van halen and hendrix into one crazy extremely awesome pedal. currently im considering the deluxe electric mistress, the mxr flanger, and the idanez 9 series flanger. I’ve only tried out the ibanez, though, and loved it. feel free to through out any other ideas.


    change of plan! just found some great vintage flangers on ebay! now the choice is between a vintage deluxe electric mistress or a vintage mxr flanger. i love the great sounds eddie coaxed out the mxr, but i also just love the warmth and overall vintage goodness of the electric mistress. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!


    for flanger, I recommend the Ibanez fl9, it goes very well with all my dirt pedals. for trem, try the Seymour Duncan shape shifter, it does regular trem and more


    I had a Boss BF-3 and took it out of my effects chain after I got my EH Deluxe Electric Mistress. The Mistress has the sound I was looking for, Gilmour-Trower-Police type of tone…

    That thing is spendy, but the sounds I get in my mixes are great and the Mistress is a lot less noisy than the Boss BF-3. It does take up a lot of room on my pedal board though…


    Why not get them both?? That way you can’t go wrong.

    Good luck and let us know which one you choose. If both? Which do you use the most.

    I just bought an EHX Electric Mistress today and it’s a trip getting it dialed in. Some many possibilities.



    I currently own a vintage MXR flanger, Electric Mistress and a newer Deluxe Electric Mistress. I find the first two to be superior, but I haevn’t toyed with the DEM much yet. It seems more “invasive”.

    But yeah, if it’s possible, I’d get them both (I did). If you don’t like any of them, sell ’em.


    I just recently bought the EHX Deluxe Electric Mistress. I also have MXR pedal Micro Flange. I like them both. I don’t like the rate on the EHX, it’s too something. I would describe it as tremolo after a 1/3 speed. I still like this pedal with it’s filter matrix. I got it on 08/24/2011 so I’m still trying to bend it to my control, lol.


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