Home Forums Help/Technical Questions English Muff’n advice…

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    First Post – I recently bought myself an English Muff’n and have to start by saying I’m a lover of this pedal (I’ve seen that she’s not for everyone) She gives me the gorgeous semi-clean/mildly overdriven tone I was after.

    As i’m a cheapskate and can’t afford a good valve amp I was wondering if the Muff’n could be plugged directly into a cabinet as I read somewhere that it can go straight into a PA! Apologies in advance if this seems like a stupid question but, although i’ve been playing guitar for a few years, I have only just really started to pay more attention to pedals/amps etc. I’m on the verge of buying a Vox cab I saw real cheap and can’t afford the head and wondered if the Muff’n can act as an amp head?

    It would save me some coin if this was possible but if not would probably end up going for the 22 Caliber which I imagine would be okay to stick straight into the cab (?)

    Also any general solutions that don’t involve having to buy amps that I simply can’t afford would be appreciated as I also have my pedal chain to consider – I also have a JD Cry Baby, Double Muff, Harley Benton Phaser, Carl Martin Surf Vibe and Biyang Reverb to squeeze into the equation so any info/advice in this regard would also really help me.

    A long way of asking a simple question really, never mind…


    (P.S. I dig my wah after the fuzz)


    it can’t go directly into a cab, but it can go to a PA or basically anything that can drive a cab. Or you can pick up a 22 caliber or 44 magnum, which is just a really tiny amp head.

    how is that Biyang Reverb? I’ve had mixed success with their stuff – love their distortion/fuzz and tremolo stuff, but their delays are terrible.


    Yeah, you can’t drive a cab, but you can drive a power (or slave) amp that doesn’t have a pre-amp. Essentially, the Muff’n will act as a pre-amp. This is what I do with my Hot Tubes and Sunn Concert Slave.

    The good news is, power amps can be had way cheaper than “complete” amps.

    You could also use a powered cab, like PA systems use.

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