Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Ebow-like pedal?

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  • #81686

    Ok, I have tried to post this on several forums, but with the lack of response..
    So I will try on this forum! The keyboard player in this clip is playing some kind of ebow type
    sustain on the Nord. As I understand, it is in fact a piano through some effects pedals. But my question is what kind of pedal(s) can give a piano sound this kind of sustain?
    This is the clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b51aXDwCqI
    I know this is for most a guitar forum, but I bielive this is the same for both guitar and keyboards.


    Without checking the clip, i’d suggest the EHX Freeze for Sustain.


    elo, there,

    i tried to check out the video. said it was removed by user. but then again i have a little knowledge of keys’. but still i was interested to see.


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