Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Issue with 2880

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    I’m having some strange issues with my 2880 loop station.

    Whenever I play through the 2880, it severely drops the overall volume output from my amp (I have a orange 4×12 cab with a peavey 3120 head). If I take the loop station out of my pedal board, my amp gets its expected volume level. However, if I use the 2880, I lose nearly nearly half of my volume. I can have my amp cranked up to 10 and still not be able to match the drums.

    I’ve done some pretty extensive trouble-shooting, and it’s clear that it’s the loop station causing the degraded volume performance. I have the output knobs on the 2880 up a little over halfway, so I know that’s not the issue. The 2880 is being powered by a power source and not by batteries, so I also know it’s not dying batteries causing the issue.

    Anyone have any ideas?


    the output sliders on the 2880 are meant for unity gain when they’re maxed. also you might be clipping off half your signal at the input stage- the 2880 has pretty low headroom. are your clip/overload lights coming on?


    post duplicated.

    the output sliders on the 2880 are meant for unity gain when they’re maxed. also you might be clipping off half your signal at the input stage- the 2880 has pretty low headroom. are your clip/overload lights coming on?

    The clip lights do come on a lot when I’m playing with clean tone, not so much with overdrive or distortion.


    do you have a spare compressor you can put before it, so as to try to limit down the sound going in?

    do you have a spare compressor you can put before it, so as to try to limit down the sound going in?

    Gave it a try, no dice. Is it possible that its a hardware issue with the 2880?


    it’s possible the 2880 is built without the discrete compressors and limiters that its Boss counterparts have. It’s possible it’s not designed to be clipped out. and it’s possible no one wants to be told to turn down.
    if it’s really a big deal, throw a gain pedal [or two] afterwards, an EQ or an LS-2 or a clean boost or something.

    did you try it with the sliders turned up higher? they only work in a reductive sense- you can’t make something louder than the initial volume with them. so max them out.

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