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  • #81657

    Well… I don’t think we understood each others.
    I thought this was a place to post crazy ideas and certainly mine might have been stupid (at last for your clever parameters).
    I didn’t mean to be hostile but you certainly where! To a loyal customer! And that’s really strange…
    I am one of those who think that if U2 never existed the world would be a better place, that’s why I get so irritated every time I happen to be in a cover band asking me to play U2 songs and I keep bumping against the same problem, how can I get THAT sound in a convincing and practical way and at the end of the night go home with the money. The thing that pushed me to write was that I discovered many other people have the same problem (not you, of course…). Now I discover that the EHX inside tech senior people play in a cover band too but with a very sophisticated and advanced taste for music and is not too keen to listen to the rest of the poor idiots who buy EHX products… “Don’t bite the hand that’s feeding you”, they’d say…
    Maybe you just feel threatened because you where not there at the EHX when the good Memory man was produced and now you have to compete with its legacy? I don’t know, you, deeply inside do know!
    If I was Mr. Matthews I would fire you straight away for your attitude only, but I know is not going to happen and You will insult me few more times and win… and we will see more mediocre EHX products flowing the markets.
    Please delete me from your forum.
    You lost a good customer.
    All the best

    The EH Man
    Well… I don’t think we understood each others.

    Hard to do when you keep editing your posts.

    I thought this was a place to post crazy ideas and certainly mine might have been stupid (at last for your clever parameters).
    I didn’t mean to be hostile but you certainly where! To a loyal customer! And that’s really strange…

    There was no problem with your suggestions but then you kept pushing and started insulting people.

    I am one of those who think that if U2 never existed the world would be a better place,

    I feel the same way about Led Zeppelin.

    that’s why I get so irritated every time I happen to be in a cover band asking me to play U2 songs and I keep bumping against the same problem, how can I get THAT sound in a convincing and practical way and at the end of the night go home with the money. The thing that pushed me to write was that I discovered many other people have the same problem (not you, of course…). Now I discover that the EHX inside tech senior people play in a cover band too but with a very sophisticated and advanced taste for music and is not too keen to listen to the rest of the poor idiots who buy EHX products… “Don’t bite the hand that’s feeding you”, they’d say…

    I can’t vouch for Cryabetes but I play bass in a classic rock/80s/90s cover band. I use no effects.
    Maybe you should either make a stand and tell your band that you’re not playing U2 songs or you could find another band that doesn’t do U2.

    Maybe you just feel threatened because you where not there at the EHX when the good Memory man was produced and now you have to compete with its legacy? I don’t know, you, deeply inside do know!
    If I was Mr. Matthews I would fire you straight away for your attitude only, but I know is not going to happen and You will insult me few more times and win… and we will see more mediocre EHX products flowing the markets.
    Please delete me from your forum.
    You lost a good customer.
    All the best

    We’re not EHX employees. A few admins are but the majority are just volunteers. I was only 12 years old in 1979 so I couldn’t have worked at EH even if I had known they existed.


    Man, where’s the “eating popcorn” smiley when you need it?


    I play originals mostly, or pick my battles with covers. was in a ‘jam-rock’ cover band for a bit, but I think the closest we got to U2 was the Talking Heads [which I was fine with playing]. and I don’t work for EHX, I just hang out at the forum.

    and Ron, spot on with the Led Zepplin assessment. Can’t wait until 5-20 years from now when people still won’t shut up about the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

    Mr. ORANGE

    If I can contribute to the Edge’s delay – it’s hard to do it. Firstly, you need to find out the exact delay time and voicing of the chords – how much modulation etc…Then bear in mind that he often uses 2 delays and also some modulation effects, octavers for shimmers (go in a separate amp) etc…

    I would suggest an analog delay (like the Deluxe MM) and a digital with gazillion of features – I’d like to recommend SMMw/Hazarai but it doesn’t have a tap divide function and that can be a problem…So maybe the new Memory man with Tap tempo and Hazarai could do the trick…I have DMBoy, DMM and Vox Time Machine (I want to swap it for SMMwH) and it works great…

    Then the only vital thing is to play the same rythmic patterns, mute strings correctly etc…I play Where the Streets Have No Name with my band occasionally for fun (I’d be only interested in MUSE cover band – the rest is just for fun). And it can be done easily – I’m using two delays and it works fine…The most difficult part is the beggining of the first verse I guess (muted parts), but that’s maybe because I’m not a big palm mutting fan and I also sing the song…


    good call on the chord voicings – and the herdim picks, dont forget the herdims,.,
    oh and as a ehx aside – where’s the “edge” DMM custom addition with free beanie and
    sharpie for the goatee?


    lol or one that is stuck on the settings for WTSHNN/no knobs, and the graphic is just an image of the Edge’s face.

    The EH Man
    lol or one that is stuck on the settings for WTSHNN/no knobs, and the graphic is just an image of the Edge’s face.

    Ooooooooooooooooo!!! I smell a new product!!!


    seriously – an edge ltd edition mem man while the chips are still around.,., if not now when?

    The EH Man
    seriously – an edge ltd edition mem man while the chips are still around.,., if not now when?

    The chips aren’t around anymore. EHX just took a bath on a load of them that turned out to be fake, causing the discontinuation of the Deluxe Memory Man w/ Tap Tempo.


    is that what happened? yikes – hey good to know – were any at all made that were legit?

    The EH Man
    is that what happened? yikes – hey good to know – were any at all made that were legit?

    About 300 units will be made. After that, it’ll be redesigned with different chips and less delay time.


    how do I get one? everywhere seems to be “not in stock” –

    Mr. ORANGE
    seriously – an edge ltd edition mem man while the chips are still around.,., if not now when?

    The chips aren’t around anymore. EHX just took a bath on a load of them that turned out to be fake, causing the discontinuation of the Deluxe Memory Man w/ Tap Tempo.

    😥 😥 😥 :doh: That’s terrible…It’s the best pedal ever ! (I really mean that)…

    The EH Man
    how do I get one? everywhere seems to be “not in stock” –

    You’ll just have to keep your eyes open. Watch ebay and have your local EHX dealer order one. You might get lucky as they’re still trickling out.

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