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    Hey, I’m Cheesedude5050. I just made an account and wanted to just say hi. I’m currently in a search for the perfect set of pedals to fill a board, so feel free to recomend any.


    what sort of sound are you looking for? I’d recommend starting with a few flavors of distortion and modulation, as well as all the delays you can get your hands on.


    I second the delay recommendation.



    To cryabetes. I’m looking for a warm, amp like overdrive, and a nic guns n’ roses esqu distortion. As for the mod pedals, I’d love a flanger that could somehow combine status quo, jimi, and some nice airplane sweeps. I want a phaser that will really let me nail “nobody’s fault but mine,” and for a tremolo, really whatever the overall best is.


    well, you’ve got a lot of options for the amp-like overdrive. On the less expensive side, there’s the Muff OD and the Germanium OD, as well as the G4 Big Muff and the Hot Tubes. Actually the G4 OD could probably nail your distortion and OD needs. the Flanger, I’d look into the Deluxe Electric Mistress and the mod for the Holy Stain [which would also give you your tremolo], although the Pulsar is really quite nice for tremolo as well.

    Some other interesting options for modulation would be the ‘flerb’ setting for the Holy Grail, as well as the Memory Toy/Boy, the Tube Zipper, the Flanger Hoax, and the Ring Thing. For non-ehx stuff, maybe look into the Moogerfooger MuRF, the Boss PS-3 or PS-6 [the best chorus i’ve ever heard came from a PS-6], or the Alesis MODFX line [can usually find these for under $50 on ebay].

    edit: 333 posts? I’m half metal!


    thanks. I think i’m gonna get the Germanium OD, which will replace the ocd I was originally going to get, for $60 CHEAPER!!!!!! what would you say for a good reverb? I really want to look for some cheaper pedals since the delays are definitly going to break my bank. also, how does a small stone compare to a MXR phase 90?


    The Cathedral is amazing. Apparently that new TC Electronics Hall of Fame is pretty great too. Otherwise the EHX Holy Grail is great as is the EHX Holy Stain. As far as used goes, I’d keep your eyes peeled for an Alesis Microverb [a rack unit which you can use a tip-sleeve footswitch on] or a Boss RV-3 [the RV-5 is really only usable on the Gate and Mod ‘Verb settings, everything else sounds hospital-grade].

    Also apparently the new Muza FD900 [delay + verb] fixed a lot of the issues that plagued the FD90’s. Might be the way to go if you’re looking for cheap.

    The Phase 90 and Small Stone are both 4-stage phasers so they’re going to sound similar, but the small stone has the feedback switch, which provides a more pronounced phasing effect [by sending the effected signal back into itself].


    thanks again. you know, this has been bugging me all week. is the big miff pi a fuzz or a distortion?


    what’s the difference?
    as far as i’m concerned, they’re different approaches to the same goal. Also, it really depends which big muff you’re talking about. I’d say the G4BMP is closer to an overdrive than either.


    I’m planning on getting a big muff pi w/tone wicker.

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