Home Forums Help/Technical Questions HumDebugger intermittent problem

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  • #81506

    I just got this HumDebugger from Musicians Friend, and I absolutely love it. Problem is, sometimes when I turn on my pedal board from the Furman power conditioner, the HumDebugger shows a green light, but it mutes the signal through it. I can usually turn off and on again to get it working. Just wondering if this is normal or did I get a defective unit?

    I should also add, I’m using the supplied power transformer that was in the box. Seems some people have had issues there.


    Please write or call Chip and tell him your problem:
    or call at:
    (718) 937-8300

    I just got this HumDebugger from Musicians Friend, and I absolutely love it. Problem is, sometimes when I turn on my pedal board from the Furman power conditioner, the HumDebugger shows a green light, but it mutes the signal through it. I can usually turn off and on again to get it working. Just wondering if this is normal or did I get a defective unit?

    I should also add, I’m using the supplied power transformer that was in the box. Seems some people have had issues there.


    Hello! I have the exact same problem as the first poster in this thread. I am using the power supply that came with my HumDebugger, and whenever I turn it on, the unit comes on, but does NOT pass signal until I unplug it again, and then replug it back in. Very Annoying! How do I get it to turn ON and pass signal without the trouble of unplugging it again?


    Anybody home on the Forum?

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