Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Recommend Pedal Chain?

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  • #81441

    Hey Guys,

    I am playing a classic player Jazzmaster special into the following pedals (in order):

    EHX POG2
    Black Cat OD-1/Fuzz
    EHX #1 Echo
    Mojo Hand 770 Flanger
    Malekko Chorus (w/12volts)
    EHX Cathedral
    EHX Pulsar
    EHX Stereo Memory Man w/Hazarai

    (all in a linear chain going to a Vox amp..)

    I’m kinda new to this and was wondering if this may be the optimal chain? I was trying to keep the SMMH at the end of the chain for the looper, and use the #1 Echo and Cathedral for the first 2 delays. The Pulsar comes after the Cathedral to create shimmers, but I was wondering if the modulation pedals were in the right place? I figure I can use the detune on the POG2 for a 1st chorus and turn the 2nd (and flange) off if I do not want to modulate the delays.

    Any recommendations for a better setup? Parallel chain ideas would be welcomed as well, if I have enough gear :)



    Pog, fuzz, flanger, chorus, echo, cathedral, pulsar, smm. Look at it this way, would you distort or modulate your radio after or before recording? Since delay is just a short recording…

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