Home Forums Vintage EHX Electro-Harmonix:Mini-Sythezsizer

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    Was surfing and came across a great site, articles and Electro-Harmonix Synthesizer Info (and pictures)

    Here is a EHX Mini-Sythesizer *(owner: The New England Synthesizer Museum, David Hillel Wilson, Curator)


    Link to text of article=


    and Under Famous Fingers-

    Who Played This Instrument?

    Jean-Michel Jarre during his great concerts in China, Brian Kehew and Roger Manning of The Moog Cookbook, Eddie Van Halen – on Sunday Afternoon in the Park.

    Another Mini-Synthesizer (image courtesy of Benjamin Ward



    One Other EHX Synthesizer is also noted online at http://www.synthmuseum.com

    a “Super Replay ” No other info noted, sure am curious though!

    This is a great read 4 pages, will leave link to page one, includes people involved, instruments

    and time frame and titled ” The Day Moog Cookbook Came to Town ” Nov, 17th 1997 Boston Mass.

    The EHX Mini-Synthsizer is part of a extensive line up of gear utilized.


    and to close

    (from page 4)


    Hope the links all work

    (just in case, here is the web sites magazine archive’s in a link which leads to a very diverse range of topics

    :poke: :rawk: :worried:



    I apologize for the links which contained .jpg ‘s came out in full picture format rather than a hyperlink

    Love that synth though and ? was it also the same one that Mr.Mike Mathews was pictured playing in his “Feature” article

    recently in Vintage Guitar or Premier Guitar (It was a black and white photo and Mr.M was jamming and ? no T-Shirt, a shirt

    with buttons (no offense Dear Sir) and Jeans and boots ..You can dance man (Mr. Mike Mathews) ? Magnun 22 amp video?





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