Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Wiggler – pulsing/thumping noise

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    I just purchased an EHX Wiggler from Musiciansfriend.com

    There is quite a lot of thumping/pulsing noise (in unison with the rate knob setting). Is this normal or should I return the unit to Musiciansfriend? It’s not “line noise” but more of a pulsing sound that is really quite annoying. When the unit is switched to bypass the pulse sound becomes very faint, but it is still there.

    I isolated the unit from my pedal board and it behaves the same whether or not it is the only pedal used.

    Of note, the unit was delivered missing the front left chassis screw. Could this possibly be causing this pulsing noise?

    I really like the sound of the Wiggler thus far, but the pulsing/thumping noise has potential to drive me nuts. Especially for what I consider an expensive pedal.

    Please advise.


    I’m surprised no one has commented yet. I wish I could help you. I have another trem pedal that does this occasionally. It seems to disappear when I stomp on the switch (on/off) several times, like it has something to do with buildup of static electricity. I don’t know if that’s the cause, but it bugs be. I owned a Wiggler a while ago, and thought it was very cool. But it had a buzz/hum that was annoying. I tried all the online fixes (tightening all the screws, etc), but nothing helped. I sent it back to EHX for repair, and was told “it’s inherently noisy, it’s not any noisier than the Wigglers coming off the production line.” Ever since then I’ve had a real problem being able to buy anything from EHX. They are notorious for noise issues. A company as large & popular as EHX, and they can’t figure out the noise problems??? WTF?!?!

    I have been wanting to re-try the Wiggler lately, my plan was to buy a new one, then just keep exchanging it until I got a QUIET one. I hope somebody here can help you.


    I was able to spend some more time with the Wiggler. Seems the pulsing noise can be kept to a minimum if I keep the amp’s gain down. Have to say the Wiggler has some great sounds on tap though. And my unit is quiet as far as “white noise” or “hum” but the pulse from the modulation effect is noticeable.

    I guess will have to learn to live with some noise.

    Still pretty frustrating that it was missing one of 4 chassis screws. For a nearly $200 pedal I expect more.


    If you bought it new, EXCHANGE IT!! I would. You’ve got nothing to lose… except maybe the thumping!

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