Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Harmonica sound

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  • #81375

    I just bought a pog2 which I love thinking it was one of the two items I needed to get the harmonica sound however after researching I discovered I need the hog and micro synth. Can I substitute the pog2 for one of these items


    probably more in place of the Hog than the microsynth.


    I am sure you will get a cool sound but it will be different than when using a HOG.
    The HOG distorts when the input slider is pushed up.
    This added a lot to the effect.
    You could add a mild over drive in front of the POG to see if that helps.
    Good Luck!
    Bill Ruppert

    I just bought a pog2 which I love thinking it was one of the two items I needed to get the harmonica sound however after researching I discovered I need the hog and micro synth. Can I substitute the pog2 for one of these items
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