Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics quick easy diy expression footswitch for holy stain harmonies

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    i got a holy stain a week ago and found it had a pitch function, so i thought would be neat to use it for some harmonies here and there on the cheap, so i made a quick expression pedal so you can go between 3 different pitches, like major 3rd minor 3rd etc!

    its here and theres instructions if you wanna build it


    cost like £5 and took 30 mins or so (except i did have to spray and decal it! so ok mebbe a lil longer)



    Good idea that! Outside-the-box. I was thinking of using it for that exact function but my mind stopped at ‘a rocking expression pedal would be really hard to slide and hold at a particular pitch’. /thumbs-up


    Man you could almost do that with a couple EHX Signal Pads, couldn’t you?
    ideas ideas.


    You think that would work on a load of other pedals?……


    wow i guess great minds think alike!

    below i will attach a pic of my version, its essentially the same thing but i also have a toggle switch to turn from footswitch/knob control, to optical expression control.

    also the internal trim idea is not bad but i just used small knobs on the back of the pedal instead, that way i can still adjust on the fly if i want, but there out of the way.

    ive been recently calling mine “the Worm Tail” because i use it with the newer EH Worm pedal. i use the optical setting to turn the work into a manual wah, and the footswitch/knob option (same as you) i also use in the wah setting but that way i can select threw three different filtered tones, it works great for that, i hear a lot of people wanting a more flexible filter matrix type thing, its a very cheap substitute!

    it also works nice on the phaser setting, i can select different ranges on the go.

    i always wondered how this thing would work out for other pedals!, i love your vid of it with the Holy Stain, i didn’t know it had a pitch option!

    side note, i checked out your I Heart blog site, nice stuff, ill have to check out sum of your bands material sum time, and i can wait to see your secret guitar project!

    speaking of your world location, do you or anyone els in this forum watch “Burnistoun”? im in the US and its hard for me to find (mostly youtube vids, cant wait for a DVD!). i F’n love that show great stuff!! i been watching a lot of Scottish comedy shows lately! (yes i know your from Ireland, not Scotland, but i thought you still may have seen it)


    Tonefactor makes one of these that ramps up and down between settings.


    haven’t heard of the tonefactor (there a store not a brand anyway right?!?!, i shop with them) one, you got a name and/or link?!?!


    aaah man yours looks awesome! Mr.Grim! definitely a lot more thought has gone into yours! i wish i put my knobs on the back, because i always hit it with the foot! but hey, it does the job, dont think im going to be using it that much..

    and the light resistor idea is a cool touch also! never delved into using them for music applications! only ever for little robots that dont like shadows ha

    and sorry man ive never heard of Burnistoun :(… dont know where you got the impression of me being from ireland haha! ha im from london england, still uk!!…

    aaah man yeah definitely check us out soon! its a bit complicated but we have nothing to show for yet (well hundreds of demos) but our contract means we cant put anything out at the minute till the album is released, which is going to be a few months!+

    You think that would work on a load of other pedals?……

    yeah man its the pritty much the same circuit as a real expression pedal just with definate values.


    yeah sorry sammybartl, i was reading old posts in your blog about you moving to London, but i thought i read you moved there from Ireland, sorry i must have been mistaken.


    aaah fair doos!!
    got signed by island records? thats somewere in the blog i think
    maybe thats what you read.
    easy mistake to make my friend!


    forgot to ask! mr grim do you have a website? because looks like you have some interesting ideas!


    ^so do you, we deff need to keep in touch, but unfortunately at this time i do not have a site, im lazy internet wise, and im horrible at and hate HTML!….lol

    i definitely need to get sum thing going at sum point, i usually just sell my stuff on Ebay for now, here is a link to my facebook page, there is a couple pics of projects i built on there, i have many more i need to post pics of on there, and my pedal board and guitars i built.


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