Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Freeze Pedal Demo with my Oud (and electric oud)

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  • #81162

    This is a great pedal for Middle Eastern music.
    I do a little demo here with my traditional acoustic Oud and Electric too.

    Enjoy! Here is the link to the youtube video:
    Youtube Video


    Very very nice! I watched some of your other videos too, loved the music. Thank you for sharing it!


    VERY nice. I am dying for a freeze and don’t know what’s taking me so long. I received a Baglama Saz from Turkey as a gift and I am learning my way around it. Very inspiring vid.

    VERY nice. I am dying for a freeze and don’t know what’s taking me so long. I received a Baglama Saz from Turkey as a gift and I am learning my way around it. Very inspiring vid.

    I also have a baglama saz from Turkey!
    I tune mine CGC (sometimes DAD) it’s a really easy tuning to get started and have fun, I’m learning my way around it too.

    It sounds great with the freeze pedal too! Want me to make a little demo?


    VERY nice. I am dying for a freeze and don’t know what’s taking me so long. I received a Baglama Saz from Turkey as a gift and I am learning my way around it. Very inspiring vid.

    I also have a baglama saz from Turkey!
    I tune mine CGC (sometimes DAD) it’s a really easy tuning to get started and have fun, I’m learning my way around it too.

    It sounds great with the freeze pedal too! Want me to make a little demo?



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