Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Roobarb & Custard Theme Tune.

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  • #81145

    Any ideas on how to pin down this particular fuzz tone?
    I used to love this show when I was a child, I’m sure many of the UK visitors to this site will be familiar with it. Also, listen up at the end for some naff auto-wah :P
    Any thoughts or suggestions on pedals/settings and such to use are most welcome.
    Here’s a link to the opening title: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zedq1VhaS90


    bill ruppert

    The fuzz has that velcro ripping sound which can be had using the Germanium Big Muff with the voltage control set low. Thats the starved battery sound.

    The fuzz has that velcro ripping sound which can be had using the Germanium Big Muff with the voltage control set low. Thats the starved battery sound.

    totally, I was just about to say when I put a nearly dead battery in my fuzz face it sounds exactly like that!!

    ….I used to love that programme, the way it all wobbles is so cool. :)

    The fuzz has that velcro ripping sound which can be had using the Germanium Big Muff with the voltage control set low. Thats the starved battery sound.

    totally, I was just about to say when I put a nearly dead battery in my fuzz face it sounds exactly like that!!

    ….I used to love that programme, the way it all wobbles is so cool. :)

    Thanks very much fellas for the quick response and spot on info!
    This is just another one of the reasons I need a Germanium Big Muff :thumb:
    Thanks again guys!

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