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    I’m not sure if EHX has ever made an effects-loop pedal, but I would love to see how they would make one. Also, with the unique creative-features on most EHX pedals, what kind of features would be on an effects-loop pedal.

    Image in EHX built a multi-swith effects-loop pedal like an Octaswitch or whatever it’s called……


    yeah, something similar to an octoswitch would be great, i’m pretty sure they haven’t ever made anything like that.


    It’d be cool to see what kind of features they’d put on it. Pigtronix just came out with this thing called a Keymaster…looks like a useful pedal. Wish EHG had something like this.


    One thing you can do with an FX loop pedal is have a switch to feed part of the FX-in back to the FX-out through a small amplifier (maybe something tiny like the LPB-1 circuit) to make pedals self-oscillate. This would be right up EHX’s street as it makes crazy sounds.

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