Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Stereo Pulsar volume drop

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    Somewhere in June/July I opened my Stereo Pulsar at the studio to change to a battery and noticed a bunch o’trimpots. I didn’t pay much attention to those, however, I’ve never liked the volume drop this pedal has and I’ve seen a lot of sites saying that trimpots adjust certain properties of the pedals.
    I´m just wondering it any of those could boost the volume just a tiny bit so I can actually use the FX like I like them: Fully wet (No pun intended)


    I wouldn’t mess with them, sometimes you can change trimpot settings and it can be very hard to set them back right.

    Most trems have some apparent volume drop because it’s constantly fading your volume in and out, and your volume is only all the way on for a short time.


    turn the depth to zero and see if it still has a ‘drop’ … if not then it doesn’t really have a volume drop.

    mine actually had a slight boost..

    and yeah, I wouldn’t mess with the trims, they probably won’t help.


    also…. ‘full wet’ ‘full depth’ or whatever you want to call it should be around 2 o’clock on the dial.

    …but I presume you know that already.


    Oh yeah, I actually have the Maxed point in the pedal since I don’t like the phasey/RingMod sound it makes.
    I’ll try the “0 Depth” setting and see how it goes. Thanks!


    Hey, I just tried your recommendation on the “Zero Depth” and turns out it actually has a slight boost as well; Not enough to actually use it as a boost though, but definitelly a sliiiiiiiiiiight boost. thank for de-mythifying the myth on Tremolos guys! :rawk:

    Hey, I just tried your recommendation on the “Zero Depth” and turns out it actually has a slight boost as well; Not enough to actually use it as a boost though, but definitelly a sliiiiiiiiiiight boost. thank for de-mythifying the myth on Tremolos guys! :rawk:

    yeah, it’s because the effect itself lowers the volume down and back to unity, not up and down.. so you are only hearing the signal at ‘normal volume’ for a small amount of time, if you run the pedal in stereo it pans left to right (rather than lowering the volume) so you don’t get the volume loss effect.



    My Pulsar has incredible amounts of distortion. Seems to depend on the input level!? If I turn the volume knob of my Fender Elite Strat down to 6, the distortion is gone. But between 6 and 10 the amount of distortion is unbearable. None of my other pedals (digital or analog) behave like that. Is this a common behavior of the stereo pulsar? My elite strat has has a built in pre-amp, but I don´t know if this could cause the distortion…

    My Pulsar has incredible amounts of distortion. Seems to depend on the input level!? If I turn the volume knob of my Fender Elite Strat down to 6, the distortion is gone. But between 6 and 10 the amount of distortion is unbearable. None of my other pedals (digital or analog) behave like that. Is this a common behavior of the stereo pulsar? My elite strat has has a built in pre-amp, but I don´t know if this could cause the distortion…

    I don’t think that would make a diference at all. I use mine with an Active Stingray bass and a P-bass + EQ pedal to bring the volume up to my SR’s and I get no distortion. Not even on the low notes, which tend to distort most pedals not made for Bass.


    Well, then I´ll have to replace mine. It´s very useful, but It´s not meant to be a distortion pedal…

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