Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Tuvan Throat Overtone Singing – Achieving similar sound with EHX Pedals

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    I found this really awesome video on youtube of different styles of throat overtone singing, and although every style in the video is really cool, I was particularly impressed by the pure, airy wind-cutting overtone whistle produced by the Sygyt style found in the video during 1:10-2:10. The lower droning note would be easy of course, but I was wondering if any “effectology” experts could recommend a way to recreate that overtone whistle sound. I imagine I would start with a volume pedal to control the attack..not sure where to go from there.

    Any help would be immensely appreciated.


    That’d make an awesome effectology

    It almost sounds like a filter effect.


    Does the Effectology guy Bill post on this forum?


    yes he does

    bill ruppert

    I will have to think about it.
    That was a cool sound.
    I did a drone with an upper sound here:
    at :40 seconds in.

    Maybe this approach with a ring mod producing the upper whistle.
    You could change the ring mod pitch by hand.


    I posted on another forum (Gear Page, TalkBass?) about using the Micro Synth’s Resonance in real-time to get jawharp sounds, and I may have talked about using an Ebow for the sustain. Ideally, you’d be able to sweep the resonance of whatever pedal you were using with an expression pedal, which knocks a non-modded Micro Synth out when you’re using both hands on the instrument.

    Although it wouldn’t be an EHX-appropriate video for Bill to do, I suspect I’d be able to use the Boss SYB-5 (or a Behringer BSY600) with an expression pedal, an eBow, and the appropriate wave choice to emulate various khoomei and sigit sounds. I have had similar patches using different synthesizers (FM/iPD, classic analog) which used the mod wheel to choose the melody note of the overtones/resonances.

    Hmm. I’ll have to try this.


    Thanks to everyone for the valuable input, and to Bill thanks for considering my request. That didgeridoo sound is amazing.

    bill ruppert

    You are more than welcome.
    Thank you for sharing the clip and the idea!
    Sounds like that are so great to analyze and to try and translate it to guitar.
    Its SO good for your brain musically.
    Its a ear training work out!

    Thanks to everyone for the valuable input, and to Bill thanks for considering my request. That didgeridoo sound is amazing.

    Hey Bill, I was wondering..
    Do you know of a way to control the pitch of a guitar’s signal with a knob or touch surface, but within certain parameters such as musical scale? I was thinking the ring mod would cycle through every possible pitch low to high, where as I was looking to stay within the scale utilized by Sygyt so there wouldn’t be any dissonant in-between notes. I know there’s always the guitar neck itself, but I was thinking since we are talking deep within the world of pedals the smooth glide of a knob to adjust the pitch would sound nice. I don’t know if, perhaps, you could program a KAOSS pad to do such a thing? Although I’d like to of course keep everything within the EHX universe if possible.

    I posted on another forum (Gear Page, TalkBass?) about using the Micro Synth’s Resonance in real-time to get jawharp sounds, and I may have talked about using an Ebow for the sustain. Ideally, you’d be able to sweep the resonance of whatever pedal you were using with an expression pedal, which knocks a non-modded Micro Synth out when you’re using both hands on the instrument.

    Although it wouldn’t be an EHX-appropriate video for Bill to do, I suspect I’d be able to use the Boss SYB-5 (or a Behringer BSY600) with an expression pedal, an eBow, and the appropriate wave choice to emulate various khoomei and sigit sounds. I have had similar patches using different synthesizers (FM/iPD, classic analog) which used the mod wheel to choose the melody note of the overtones/resonances.

    Hmm. I’ll have to try this.

    Hi Explorer, just wondering if you ended up giving this sound a try and were successful.

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