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    How about a Tuner Pedal
    – Nano Chasis
    – Run on 9v battery
    – Mute when you step on it

    Call it the: “Tuner Fish”



    didn’t DOD already call their tuner the Tuner Fish?

    didn’t DOD already call their tuner the Tuner Fish?

    I did a little googling and found they did make something called Tuna in 1996

    But it looks discontinued

    I do a lot of gigging and traveling and nano pedals are my new friends :)


    I feel that if EHX had a tuner, it would have to have something really bizarre to go with it.


    I think the biggest hurdle to that being made is the case ‘cut out’ for the LED display… all ehx fit to a pattern.. either 1 knob 1 switch, 2 knobs 1 switch etc. Making a tuner would require a machine set up just to do a different drilling for one pedal, which probably couldn’t be used for any other pedal.. thus would be expensive to make…. that’s basically the answer I got when I asked about a nano graphic eq, if it doesn’t use a standard layout of an already existing pedal, then don’t expect it too soon.

    I think the biggest hurdle to that being made is the case ‘cut out’ for the LED display… all ehx fit to a pattern.. either 1 knob 1 switch, 2 knobs 1 switch etc. Making a tuner would require a machine set up just to do a different drilling for one pedal, which probably couldn’t be used for any other pedal.. thus would be expensive to make…. that’s basically the answer I got when I asked about a nano graphic eq, if it doesn’t use a standard layout of an already existing pedal, then don’t expect it too soon.

    It doesn’t need to look EXACTLY like that… it could just be a simple rectangle for the note name and a red to green LED (like the one in the electric mistress even).

    I’m just trying to switch all of my gear over to EHX and use Nano when it works.

    I think the biggest hurdle to that being made is the case ‘cut out’ for the LED display… all ehx fit to a pattern.. either 1 knob 1 switch, 2 knobs 1 switch etc. Making a tuner would require a machine set up just to do a different drilling for one pedal, which probably couldn’t be used for any other pedal.. thus would be expensive to make…. that’s basically the answer I got when I asked about a nano graphic eq, if it doesn’t use a standard layout of an already existing pedal, then don’t expect it too soon.

    It doesn’t need to look EXACTLY like that… it could just be a simple rectangle for the note name and a red to green LED (like the one in the electric mistress even).

    I’m just trying to switch all of my gear over to EHX and use Nano when it works.

    …. but even that ‘simple rectangle’ would still use totally different case machining from anything else.. I agree it would be cool… I’m just saying this is probably part of the reason why it hasn’t been made yet.


    I really like the fact that EHX pedals are using the same chassis for as many pedals as possible. This adds to the uniformity of my pedalboard. Consumers that are purchasing EHX pedals are not worried about price as much as quality. The EHX brand stands for quality pedals and innovation. Pass the added die cost on to us! I’ll pay $10 or even $20 more than a competitor’s product for EHX. I don’t want a Boss tuner, I don’t want a Korg tuner. I want a EHX tuner!

    I feel that if EHX had a tuner, it would have to have something really bizarre to go with it.

    when not muted, the LED-scale provides a sample-and-hold control voltage out, for all those EHX pedals that can have cv ins?


    You could call it “Canned Tuna”…

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