Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Where to put Micro-Pog in Chain?

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    This is my current board I’m working with:

    tuner>fuzz>OD>Micro-Synth>Small Stone>DD3>Cathedral….so where would be an interesting
    place to put my Micro-Pog?



    I always put mine first, right after the tuner, so it has the most stable signal to track.

    That, however, may not be interesting…


    In my experience you can put it anywhere and it won’t make much difference, unlike an analogue octave effect it will track anything just fine, I used to run mine after my dirt pedals.


    I’d be inclined to say first in the chain, but that’s likely only because it’s got the word ‘octave’ in it so I naturally want to feed it a dry signal. If you watch the ‘Effectology’ vids you’ll notice that a lot of the time the POG (be it micro, or POG2) is placed after a big muff or some other distortion, and sometimes even after a modulation effect, whilst other times it’s second in the chain generally after a compressor, so I suppose you’ll just have to use trial and error to see where it sounds best for you.


    In this video (Made by my local EHX dealer) he puts it AFTER a Tone Wicker and it still tracks amazingly. It’s the wonders of Digital stuff, that’s maybe why I loved the Stereo Electric Mistress’ Chorus above all the others I tried: It tracks all the way down to a low D… And sounds f**king WICKED with a fuzz or two thrown into her (Double team!)

    It’s the wonders of Digital stuff

    Well actually it’s the wonders of EHX’s digital stuff, because most other digital pedals, be it Boss, Behringer, Digitech, Marshall, the usual bunch, can’t take a hot signal in, let alone track it! They clip nastily and AD converters clipping is one of the harshest sounds around, second only to nails on a blackboard. As a general rule you don’t put any drive or signal boosting pedal before a digital one for this very reason. I’ve got a Marshall RG-1 which is a digital modulation pedal, and just picking too hard will make that bugger distort!

    EHX > the rest


    I would just like to say that Moog and Korg’s digital clipping sounds really good and rowdy, as does intentionally overloading the 2880 [thereby making it the most expensive distortion I own].

    hooray diodes

    It’s the wonders of Digital stuff

    EHX > the rest



    When I had a Micro Pog I always had it first in my chain. My view is that octave pedals should get the purest signal. PLus I figured that it had a buffer as it’s not true bypass and it’s often a good idea to have buffer first in your chain.

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