Home Forums Help/Technical Questions advice on which memory man to purchase

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    my name is spacechook and im in a rockin pyschadelic band and want to introduce more space effects for atmosphere. i am keen on the memory man pedals but i am unsure which to go for? the delux or the stereo mman with hazarai.

    advice as well as pros and cons on each pedal will be appreciated cheers, spacechook over and out …………>


    they are both very different, but to put it simply

    SMMH- Pros: reverse delays, looping, repeats that fade in etc etc … more features than you can imagine.. Cons: reading the manual a few times is a must.

    DMM- Cons: doesn’t do all the stuff the SMMH does. Pros:NOTHING else sounds quite like a DMM, simple to use.

    Might be worth looking at the ‘deluxe memory boy’ too…. (just to make things more complicated)


    +1 for the Deluxe Memory Boy. It’s analogue, tap tempo, beat divions, and has an expression mode selector (feedback, delay rate, modulation depth, etc). It’s my fav delay. However, I am looking forward to picking up a SMMwH. Cause I can never have enough delay!



    For space rock and psychaedelic rock you’ll want the Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai for the wackiest effects and spacey ambience. I wouldn’t go for an analog delay simply because it’s features will be far more limited and your maximum delay time will be dramatically reduced, it also rules out any use as a loop pedal as analog BBD’s will distort and mash your signal beyond recognition after 3 or 4 repeats. Not to say that analog delays aren’t used in the kind of music you play; many bands and guitarists have famously used self-oscillating analog delays to create crazy soundscapes, I do it myself with a cheap Artec ADL-2, and it’s something only possible with an analog delay, but that’s the only spacey thing you can really do with it, after that you run out of options; something which won’t happen with the SMMw/H <- that thing'll keep spewing craziness at you 'til the end of time.


    My take is:

    DMM for classic delay tones
    SMMH for new territory


    I had to resort to checking the forums for this information as well. EH, it doesn’t take much effort to educate your future customers on not only the Features of each product offering but the “Differences’ between them. At least try to listen to the music being played on your station. Since I don’t get paid for my consultation service to you I’ll stop here.

    btw……. I still like your pedals, just some hard love!

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