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  • #81046

    As you can tell by the title, this thread is going to be about drone doom. Namely, how one would go about achieving that “Lawnmower through seaweed” tone. Which pedals/amps/mods would the EHX community suggest?


    Kevin Demuth
    As you can tell by the title, this thread is going to be about drone doom…

    😆 I actually didn’t get that from the title; I clicked on the thread out of curiosity to see what it was about.

    Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) I have no idea what ‘drone doom’ is, so I’m afraid I can’t help.

    As you can tell by the title, this thread is going to be about drone doom…

    😆 I actually didn’t get that from the title; I clicked on the thread out of curiosity to see what it was about.

    Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) I have no idea what ‘drone doom’ is, so I’m afraid I can’t help.

    I tought this thread was about synth sub octave tones 😆

    There are some guys around here that like doom/drone, like me. Main difference is that I don’t know how to achieve that sound, but someone will appear to enlighten us

    As you can tell by the title, this thread is going to be about drone doom…

    😆 I actually didn’t get that from the title; I clicked on the thread out of curiosity to see what it was about.

    Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) I have no idea what ‘drone doom’ is, so I’m afraid I can’t help.

    Behold, the fuzzy wonder that is Sunn o)))!

    As you can tell by the title, this thread is going to be about drone doom…

    😆 I actually didn’t get that from the title; I clicked on the thread out of curiosity to see what it was about.

    Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) I have no idea what ‘drone doom’ is, so I’m afraid I can’t help.

    I tought this thread was about synth sub octave tones 😆

    There are some guys around here that like doom/drone, like me. Main difference is that I don’t know how to achieve that sound, but someone will appear to enlighten us

    I get close with a delay pedal set as high as it can go, but I also use quite a bit of distortion. My bassy amp settings and low tunings have also helped, but I can’t get the right fuzz.


    hey chromanaut check this…

    tune low…(C or B or A is always good)
    turn up the monster tube amp (something that breaks up nicely… obviously SUNN amps are good, but also check a Fender Blackface Bassman)

    let the feedback flow freely through-out your pick ups and cabinet(-s are preferable always, the more the merrier)

    i also like to use loads of reverb on what i am doing and it sounds really good… fuzzes and OD are a must, also try a POG or Octave Multiplexer, to get that extra octave growl

    extra tip: use a very light chorus before everything else, and compress NOTHING!

    you can listen to the stuff i just said over here: http://www.myspace.com/dronesofviridiana for the full on drone experience and http://www.myspace.com/beggingshaman for something with a bass and drums…

    hope i hepled… for more info you can just pm me i have tons of info on what you are lookin for



    Thanks everyone! Time to get some cabinets…

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