Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Russian Big Muff Help!!!!!!

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    Hi guys, This is my first post on here. I’m posting because I got a Russian Big Muff (The Black and Yellow One) yesterday and it seemed to be in good working order… Today after plugging one of my synths into the Big Muffs input, I connected the output to my Preamp… Unfortunatly when I connected it to the Pre I didn’t notice that Phantom Power was switched on!!!

    Now my Big Muff isn’t working at all and it outputs only a horrible Humming… I’m fairly sure I’ve damaged it but I’m just wondering does anybody know if it’s fixable? or would connecting it to a phantom powered input even damage the pedal? I don’t know anything about electronics but I love this pedal and was very upset when I discovered it wasn’t working over a silly mistake…

    Any help would be greatly apprecaited.

    Thanks a Million


    I don’t know a lot about ‘phantom power’ but if I understand it correctly it’s mainly used for powering mics that need power to work and that power is send down the input to the mics output?

    if that’s the case then I can only imagine that blasting voltage into a pedal like this won’t be good for it at all. I wonder what kind of voltage the ‘phantom power’ is… anyway I’d suspect that one or more components are fried in the big muff…. it’s repairable though, you could replace every component for not a lot of money (if you did it yourself) but that wouldn’t be a quick job so paying someone else to do it might not be worth it.

    open it up and see if anything looks burnt out, blackend or whatever… you might be lucky.. post some pics if you can.


    Thanks for your reply, It’s much appreciated… yeah thats exactly what phantom power is for… It puts out 48v current… That 48v would have been sent to the output socket of the big muff… I opened it up but couldn’t get a good look at the circuit board because the rotary knobs are secured with small screws that I don’t have a screwdriver for… and the rotary knobs secure the circuit board to the front panel…I’m picking up tomorrow a screwdriver tomorrow though…

    Since sending Phantom to the Big Muff the pedals LED flashes somtimes when plugging into the input so I know it still lights up, but it doesn’t light up when bypass switch is pressed… The pedal is outputing a 50Hz hum and a Buzzing at around 300Hz when unbypassed.

    Thanks for your reply, It’s much appreciated… yeah thats exactly what phantom power is for… It puts out 48v current… That 48v would have been sent to the output socket of the big muff… I opened it up but couldn’t get a good look at the circuit board because the rotary knobs are secured with small screws that I don’t have a screwdriver for… and the rotary knobs secure the circuit board to the front panel…I’m picking up tomorrow a screwdriver tomorrow though…

    Since sending Phantom to the Big Muff the pedals LED flashes somtimes when plugging into the input so I know it still lights up, but it doesn’t light up when bypass switch is pressed… The pedal is outputing a 50Hz hum and a Buzzing at around 300Hz when unbypassed.

    ouch 48v into the circuit!!

    if you are lucky it might have just blown the output capacitor as that’s the last thing in the circuit, so the first thing the voltage would have hit.. and hopefully once that blew it might not have been able to get anywhere else… yup, open it up and have a look and let us know what you find.


    Hey Got this all sorted, Pedal works fine! Thanks for your help! Just need to sort out the ground now cause there is excessive noise when I touch the pedal…

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