Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Memory Toy Ineffective When Plugged In

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    Hi. I have a problem with my Memory Toy(just bought last month). When I plugged in, no sound effect, even though the LED is on. But no problem rise for my Little Big Muff when using the same adapter. Why is this happen? Should I remove the battery before using power supply? Please give me any suggestion because I use Memory Toy extensively.

    Thank you.

    The EH Man

    Sounds more like there’s a problem with the Memory Toy.


    Wasn’t it the memory toy that had 2 pcbs that sometimes were a little bit loose? If I’m right, adjusting them in place should solve the problem.

    The EH Man

    You could try that. There is a small board with the delay ICs that plugs into the main board.


    Thank you for respond. Before using adapter, Memory Toy works perfectly on battery. But after a month, the battery drain(yes, I always use it). That is why I plugged in, but come at worst the effect gone. OK Since I’m not so technical person, maybe I go to the shop and ask them to adjust the PCB.

    The EH Man

    Try it again with the battery and see if it works.

    What adapter are you using on it?


    problem solved. yeah adapter problem. now i’m using DC Brick to connect to all my 5 pedals. thank you for all of your kind help. :)

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